Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Robert) RAA Vonk

    dr. (Robert) RAA Vonk
  • (Stijn) S Voogt

    (Stijn) S Voogt
  • (Lisa) L Voois, MSc

    Lisa Voois is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of Economics and the Tinbergen Institute, supervised by Dr. Teresa Bago d'Uva and Prof. Dr. Eddy van…
    (Lisa) L Voois, MSc
  • (Yrsa) YB Voorbergen

    (Yrsa) YB Voorbergen
  • dr. (Daphne) DC Voormolen, MSc

    Halfway through April 2020 Daphne started as a Postdoctoral Research at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management. The current focus of her research is…
    dr. (Daphne) DC Voormolen, MSc
  • (Iris) IWH van de Voort

    (Iris) IWH van de Voort
  • (Ida) IL Vos

    Ida Vos is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (history department). She uses digital and traditional methods to…
    (Ida) IL Vos
  • mr. (Tomas) TLC Vos

    mr. (Tomas) TLC Vos
  • prof.dr. (Vareska) VJA van de Vrande

    Vareska van de Vrande is Professor of Collaborative Innovation and Business Venturing at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Vareska joined RSM…
    prof.dr. (Vareska) VJA van de Vrande

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen