Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Robin) RJ Dottling

    My research interests are in financial intermediation, monetary economics, climate finance, and corporate finance. Please visit my website to find out more…
    dr. (Robin) RJ Dottling
  • (Rudy) RCMH Douven (Rudy) RCMH Douven
  • prof.dr. (Dick) D Douwes

    Dick Douwes is Professor of Global History, at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Since 2006 he is also dean of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and…
    prof.dr. (Dick) D Douwes
  • (Verdie) VM Dreyer

    (Verdie) VM Dreyer
  • (Hannah) HF Driesens

    (Hannah) HF Driesens
  • (Merel) AEM Driessen

    (Merel) AEM Driessen
  • dr. (Simone) SMR Driessen

    Simone Driessen is an assistant professor in Media & Popular Culture in the Arts & Culture Department of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Before, she…
    dr. (Simone) SMR Driessen
  • (Veerle) VF Drok, LL.M

    (Veerle) VF Drok, LL.M
  • (Lina) L van Drunen

    Lina van Drunen is an external PhD candidate of Developmental Neuroscience in Society at Erasmus University Rotterdam Lina studies the individual…
    (Lina) L van Drunen
  • (Andrew) AM Dryhurst

    My research is focused on how developments in AI technology and the emergent Web3 movement are shaping the political economy of the Internet. Using Knio's ICMA…
    (Andrew) AM Dryhurst

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