Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Alissa) AL van Zijl

    dr. (Alissa) AL van Zijl
  • (Merit) MM Zimmermann

    (Merit) MM Zimmermann
  • (Jenny) JL Zimmermann, MSc

    (Jenny) JL Zimmermann, MSc
  • dr. (Filippos) FK Zisopoulos

    Filippos is a post-doc researcher at the Rotterdam School of Management (EUR) affiliated also with the Integral Design & Management department of Delft…
    dr. (Filippos) FK Zisopoulos
  • mr. (Chani) C Zondervan

    mr. (Chani) C Zondervan
  • prof.dr. (Liesbet) EA van Zoonen

    **Liesbet van Zoonen is professor of Sociology and dean of the Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities at Erasmus University Rotterdam.**…
    prof.dr. (Liesbet) EA van Zoonen
  • dr. (Solomon George) SG Zori

    Solomon G. Zori is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) of Financial Reporting and Valuation at RSM. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Bcom) degree from the…
    dr. (Solomon George) SG Zori
  • (Yaila) Y Zotzmann

    (Yaila) Y Zotzmann
  • prof.dr. (Rob) RA Zuidwijk

    Rob Zuidwijk is professor of Global Supply Chains and Ports at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). The chair focuses on three topics:…
    prof.dr. (Rob) RA Zuidwijk
  • drs. (Sandra) AAM Zuiker

    drs. (Sandra) AAM Zuiker

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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