Researcher profielen

  • (Dorota) KCR Chelkowska Risley

    (Dorota) KCR Chelkowska Risley
  • dr. (Yao) Y Chen

    dr. (Yao) Y Chen
  • (Lester) HM Chen

    (Lester) HM Chen
  • dr. (Xi) X Chen

    Dr. Xi Chen's research focuses on quantitative marketing and digital marketing, with particular interests in the impact of digital tools and platforms on…
    dr. (Xi) X Chen
  • dr. (Shiwei) S Chen

    dr. (Shiwei) S Chen
  • (Fanny) FZ Chen, MSc

    (Fanny) FZ Chen, MSc
  • (Yue) Y Chen

    (Yue) Y Chen
  • dr. (Vivian) HH Chen

    Dr. Chen’s research interests include how technology brings changes in communication behaviors and facilitate both negative and positive individual and social…
    dr. (Vivian) HH Chen
  • (Judy) YH Chen, MSc

    (Judy) YH Chen, MSc
  • dr. (Zhongwei) Z Chen

    dr. (Zhongwei) Z Chen

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