Researcher profielen

  • (Fei) F Dai

    (Fei) F Dai
  • (Münevver) M Dal, LL.M

    (Münevver) M Dal, LL.M
  • dr. (Jan) J van Dalen

    Jan van Dalen is an associate professor at the Department of Technology and Operations Management, Rotterdam School of Management University, Erasmus University…
    dr. (Jan) J van Dalen
  • dr. (Carolina) C Dalla Chiesa

    Carolina Dalla Chiesa (1987) is an Assistant Professor of Cultural Economics and Organizations at the Department of Arts and Culture (ESHCC/EUR). Her research…
    dr. (Carolina) C Dalla Chiesa
  • dr. (Mafalda) AM Damaso

    Mafalda Dâmaso is Researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam, which she originally joined in 2021 as Lecturer in Cultural Industries and Policy. Her research…
    dr. (Mafalda) AM Damaso
  • dr. (Roxy) REC Damen

    **Roxy Damen is a post doctoral researcher at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.** After completing a bachelor in Cultural Anthropology (VU University) and the…
    dr. (Roxy) REC Damen
  • (Nguyet) BN Dang

    (Nguyet) BN Dang
  • drs. (Monique) MML Daniels

    drs. (Monique) MML Daniels
  • mr.dr. (Alexandra) A Danopoulos

    mr.dr. (Alexandra) A Danopoulos
  • (Tung) KT Dao

    Kim Tùng Đào  was born in Mekong Delta, Vietnam. She holds a PhD in Development Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, where her…
    (Tung) KT Dao

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