Researcher profielen

  • prof.dr. (Andrew) AM Fischer

    Andrew Martin Fischer is Professor of Inequality, Social Protection and Development at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, part of Erasmus University…
    prof.dr. (Andrew) AM Fischer
  • dr. (Tamar) TFC Fischer

    dr. (Tamar) TFC Fischer
  • dr. (Luke) L Fiske

    dr. (Luke) L Fiske
  • (Lara) LGJ Fizaine

    (Lara) LGJ Fizaine
  • mr. (Mai) KGM Fleetwood Bird

    mr. (Mai) KGM Fleetwood Bird
  • (Monique) MCSG Floothuis

    (Monique) MCSG Floothuis
  • dr. (Andrea) A Floridi

    Andrea Floridi is PhD researcher at ISS-EUR. He has experience in researching the informal economy and in the evaluation of international cooperation…
    dr. (Andrea) A Floridi
  • prof.dr. (Dennis) D Fok

    Dennis Fok is professor of Econometrics and Data Science at the Econometric Institute of the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. He…
    prof.dr. (Dennis) D Fok
  • dr. (Aleid) AG Fokkema

    Aleid Fokkema (MA, PhD) is senior lecturer at the department. She coordinates and teaches two courses in year one and a number of electives in year two and…
    dr. (Aleid) AG Fokkema

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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