Researcher profielen

  • prof.dr. (Job) NJA van Exel

    I am a full professor of Health Economics at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM), Erasmus University Rotterdam. I obtained my MSc in…
    prof.dr. (Job) NJA van Exel
  • mr.dr. (Andre) AP den Exter

    Andre den Exter (1966) received a PhD degree in law since 2002. The title of his dissertation was “Health care law-making in Central and Eastern Europe: Review…
    mr.dr. (Andre) AP den Exter
  • (Liesbeth) LM Faas

    (Liesbeth) LM Faas
  • (Mariët) M Faasse, MSc

    (Mariët) M Faasse, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Isabelle) IN Fabbricotti

    Isabelle Fabbricotti is Professor of Integrated Care at the research group Health Services Management and Organization at the Institute of Health Policy &…
    prof.dr. (Isabelle) IN Fabbricotti
  • dr. (Vince) VF Fabrizio

    dr. (Vince) VF Fabrizio
  • dr. (Tania) TN Fahey Palma

    dr. (Tania) TN Fahey Palma
  • dr. (Ties) M Fakkel

    dr. (Ties) M Fakkel
  • dr. (Marijn) M Faling

    Marijn is Assistant Professor at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research focuses on collaborative change…
    dr. (Marijn) M Faling
  • (Eva) Z Fan, MSc

    (Eva) Z Fan, MSc

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