Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Janna) J Cousijn

    Why do some lose control over drug use, while others do not? I am intrigued by the fine line between addiction risk and resilience. To this end, I study the…
    dr. (Janna) J Cousijn
  • dr. (Max) MH Coveney

    dr. (Max) MH Coveney
  • (Juul) JM Cox

    (Juul) JM Cox
  • (Maurice) ATJ Cramers

    (Maurice) ATJ Cramers
  • prof.dr. (Jane Murray) JM Cramm

    Jane Murray Cramm is a Full Professor at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.&nbsp…
    prof.dr. (Jane Murray) JM Cramm
  • (Xander) MA Creed

    (Xander) MA Creed
  • (Roby) R Cremers, MSc

    (Roby) R Cremers, MSc
  • (Rens) RKM Cremers, MSc

    (Rens) RKM Cremers, MSc
  • dr. (Giuseppe) G Criaco

    I am an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship in the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus…
    dr. (Giuseppe) G Criaco
  • (Enrico) EGD Crisafulli

    (Enrico) EGD Crisafulli

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