Researcher profielen

  • (Eva) E Borkhuis, MSc

    (Eva) E Borkhuis, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Marise) MPh Born

    Marise Ph. Born is Full Professor of Personnel Psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is Endowed Professor of…
    prof.dr. (Marise) MPh Born
  • dr. (Kathrin) K Borner

    Kathrin Borner (PhD) is Assistant Professor in Innovation Management at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. She is visiting scholar at…
    dr. (Kathrin) K Borner
  • prof.dr. (Jun) SM Borras

    Saturnino ('Jun') M. Borras Jr. is Professor of Agrarian Studies at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague, and was the Editor-in…
    prof.dr. (Jun) SM Borras
  • dr. (Robert) RAJ Borst, MSc

    Ever since completing my training as a health scientist and epidemiologist, I have been interested in better understanding and improving the use of knowledge in…
    dr. (Robert) RAJ Borst, MSc
  • dr. (Erik-Jan) JJFM Bos

    Erik-Jan Bos is editor-in-chief of the new edition of Descartes' correspondence (OUP). He is an internationally renowned Descartes-specialist and has published…
    dr. (Erik-Jan) JJFM Bos
  • (Hananja) EH Bos, MA

    (Hananja) EH Bos, MA
  • prof.dr. (Auke) A de Bos, RA

    prof.dr. (Auke) A de Bos, RA
  • mr.drs. (Lizzy) DE Bos

    mr.drs. (Lizzy) DE Bos
  • (Koen) KJL van den Bosch, MSc

    (Koen) KJL van den Bosch, MSc

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