Researcher profielen

  • drs. (Jeffrey) J Durieux

    drs. (Jeffrey) J Durieux
  • (Teodor) TC Dyakov

    I am currently a PhD Candidate at the Department of Finance, Rotterdam School of Management (RSM). My doctoral dissertation investigates the information content…
    (Teodor) TC Dyakov
  • prof.dr. (Pearl) PA Dykstra

    Pearl Dykstra is Professor of Empirical Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam and former Deputy Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the…
    prof.dr. (Pearl) PA Dykstra
  • prof.dr. (Wolfgang) WE Ebbers

    prof.dr. (Wolfgang) WE Ebbers
  • (Sari) SA Eckhardt

    (Sari) SA Eckhardt
  • prof.dr. (Jurian) J Edelenbos

    Jurian Edelenbos is professor of interactive urban governance and academic director of the Erasmus Initiative Vital Cities and Citizens. Jurian Edelenbos has…
    prof.dr. (Jurian) J Edelenbos
  • dr. (Charlotte) CM Edelmann

    dr. (Charlotte) CM Edelmann
  • (Patrick) PM Edwards

    (Patrick) PM Edwards
  • mr. (Miranda) MP van Eeden - van Harskamp

    Miranda van Eeden-van Harskamp heeft Nederlands privaatrecht gestudeerd aan de Erasmus Universiteit. Daarna is zij 15 jaar als advocaat en curator werkzaam…
    mr. (Miranda) MP van Eeden - van Harskamp

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  • @title

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