Researcher profielen

  • prof.dr. (Lidia) LR Arends

    prof.dr. (Lidia) LR Arends
  • (Jasper) JD Arendt

    (Jasper) JD Arendt
  • prof.dr. (Jennifer) JJ Argo

    prof.dr. (Jennifer) JJ Argo
  • prof.dr. (Ivo) IJM Arnold

    Since September 2010, Ivo Arnold is part-time professor of Economic Education at ESE. This chair focuses on strengthening the educational services offered by…
    prof.dr. (Ivo) IJM Arnold
  • dr. (Nathan) NM de Arriba-Sellier, LL.M

    **Nathan de Arriba-Sellier** is a researcher and the director of the Erasmus Platform for Sustainable Value Creation at Rotterdam School of Management. Prior to…
    dr. (Nathan) NM de Arriba-Sellier, LL.M
  • prof.dr. (Murat) M Arsel

    I am Professor of Political Economy of Sustainable Development at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam…
    prof.dr. (Murat) M Arsel
  • drs. (Ildeniz) BI Arslan, MSc

    Ildeniz Arslan is a PhD candidate at the Department of Pedagogical Sciences of Erasmus University Rotterdam.    
    drs. (Ildeniz) BI Arslan, MSc
  • dr. (Birgul) B Arslan

    Birgul Arslan is assistant professor of Innovation Strategy at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. She obtained her Ph.D. in Strategic…
    dr. (Birgul) B Arslan
  • (Luis) LD Artavia-Mora

    I am a four-year PhD Candidate at Erasmus University of Rotterdam specializing in Behavioral and Development Economics/Studies. My research interests, passion…
    (Luis) LD Artavia-Mora
  • (Sara) SDL Arts

    (Sara) SDL Arts

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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