Researcher profielen

  • (Zamzam) Z Al Baz

    (Zamzam) Z Al Baz
  • (Saba) S Al Kuntar, MA

      Saba Al Kuntar is a Syrian PhD Candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies ( ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. She…
    (Saba) S Al Kuntar, MA
  • (Jacob) JP Alabab-Moser

    (Jacob) JP Alabab-Moser
  • dr. (Taslim) TA Alade

    Taslim is a lecturer at the Business-Society Management Department at RSM. In addition to his teaching, he is the coordinator of the I DO course and…
    dr. (Taslim) TA Alade
  • mr. (Seyma) S Alatag

    mr. (Seyma) S Alatag
  • dr. (Adria) A Albareda Sanz

    dr. (Adria) A Albareda Sanz
  • mr.dr. (Martijn) M Albers

    mr.dr. (Martijn) M Albers
  • prof.dr. (Aline) A Albuquerque Sant'Anna

    prof.dr. (Aline) A Albuquerque Sant'Anna
  • (Dijana) D Aleksic, MBA

    (Dijana) D Aleksic, MBA
  • (Haya) HBA Alfarra

    Haya AlFarra is an external part-time PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, Rotterdam. She holds an MA in…
    (Haya) HBA Alfarra

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