Researcher profielen

  • (Bharti) BD Girjasing, MSc

    (Bharti) BD Girjasing, MSc
  • (Hati) BH Gitundu, MSc

    Beatrice Hati (Bea) is a pracademic in Urban Development and Disaster Governance. She currently serves as the Urban Development and Research Associate at the…
    (Hati) BH Gitundu, MSc
  • dr. (Alberto) A Giudici

    dr. (Alberto) A Giudici
  • dr. (Monika) M Glavina

    dr. (Monika) M Glavina
  • (Elisabetta) E Gobbo

    Elisabetta Gobbo is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus Institute of Philosophy and Economics (EIPE) in the Inequality Against Freedom project (InAF).    …
    (Elisabetta) E Gobbo
  • dr. (Marcia) MN Goddard

    dr. (Marcia) MN Goddard
  • (Carlos) CA Godoy Junior

    (Carlos) CA Godoy Junior
  • dr. (Marc) MH Goedhart

    Marc Goedhart is (part time) full professor in Corporate Valuation and a senior expert in corporate finance at McKinsey & Company. He has more than 20 years…
    dr. (Marc) MH Goedhart
  • dr. (Anubhav) A Goel

    dr. (Anubhav) A Goel

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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