Researcher profielen

3138 resultaten

  • mr. I (Ingrid) van der Klooster

    mr. I (Ingrid) van der Klooster
  • drs. J (Jens) Klooster

    drs. J (Jens) Klooster
  • mr.dr. HTM (Harm) Kloosterhuis

    mr.dr. HTM (Harm) Kloosterhuis
  • dr. PR (Patricia) Klopf

    Patricia Klopf is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University …
    dr. PR (Patricia) Klopf
  • prof.dr. JJ (Joris) van de Klundert

    prof.dr. JJ (Joris) van de Klundert
  • S (Sabine) Knapp

    S (Sabine) Knapp
  • dr. LC (Lisa) Knauer

    My research interests are at the intersection of empirical corporate finance and municipal finance.  I am particularly interested in how municipal finance…
    dr. LC (Lisa) Knauer
  • dr. J (Julia) Kneer

    Julia Kneer is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam and chair of the Examination Board at ESHCC…
    dr. J (Julia) Kneer
  • MF (Maaike) Knibbe, MSc

    MF (Maaike) Knibbe, MSc
  • dr. S (Saskia) Knies

    dr. S (Saskia) Knies

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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