Researcher profielen

  • (Judy) YH Chen, MSc

    (Judy) YH Chen, MSc
  • (Kaixin) K Cheng, MA

    Kaixin Cheng (Xiaoming) is a PhD candidate and junior lecturer at ESHCC, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Supervised by promotors prof. dr. Marc Verboord and prof…
    (Kaixin) K Cheng, MA
  • (Mausumi) M Chetia

    I work with families facing protracted disaster-displacement in Assam, India. My PhD research is part of the Erasmus Initiative called Vital Cities…
    (Mausumi) M Chetia
  • dr. (Amrita) A Chhachhi

    dr. (Amrita) A Chhachhi
  • dr. (Chia) TP Chia

    dr. (Chia) TP Chia
  • prof.dr. (Arul) AI Chib

    Arul Chib is Professor of Technology and Development at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He investigates…
    prof.dr. (Arul) AI Chib
  • (Jehum) J Cho

    (Jehum) J Cho
  • dr. (Tony) J Choi

    Tony Jaehyun Choi is an Assistant Professor in the Business-Society Management department at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. He…
    dr. (Tony) J Choi
  • dr. (Magdalena) MN Cholakova

    Magdalena Cholakova is an Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship in the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at the…
    dr. (Magdalena) MN Cholakova
  • (Ratchanon) R Chotiputsilp, MA

    (Ratchanon) R Chotiputsilp, MA

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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