prof.dr. (Yuk) Y Hui


Yuk Hui is Professor of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam, where he holds the Chair of Human Conditions. Hui studied computer engineering at the University of Hong Kong, wrote a PhD thesis under Bernard Stiegler at Goldsmiths University London, and obtained his Habilitation in philosophy from Leuphana University Lüneburg. Hui is author of several monographs that have been translated into a dozen languages, including On the Existence of Digital Objects (2016), The Question Concerning Technology in China:-An Essay in Cosmotechnics (2016), Recursivity and Contingency ( 2019), and Art and Cosmotechnics (2021). Hui is co-editor of 30 Years after Les Immatériaux: Art, Science and Theory (2015) and editor of Philosophy after Automation (Philosophy Today, Vol.65. No.2, 2021), Cybernetics for the 21st Century Vol.1 Epistemological Reconstruction (2024) among others. He is currently completing a monograph titled Machine and Sovereignty for University of Minnesota Press. Since 2014, Hui has been the convenor of the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology and sits as a juror of the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture since 2020.

Erasmus School of Philosophy

Full professor | WP ESPhil
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

More information


  • Yuk Hui (29 april 2024) - Yuk Hui, el filósofo de la tecnología: «Si la IA acaba con nuestros trabajos podría ser una gran noticia»
  • Yuk Hui (10 maart 2024) - Ez dut uste mundu bidezkoagorik lortuko dugunik datu gehiago bilduz
  • Yuk Hui (25 januari 2024) - Yuk Hui, filósofo de la técnica: “No podemos dejar que la razón económica y el individualismo dominen el uso de la tecnología”

Contemporary Thought of Technology

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