Xandra Kramer is professor of Private Law at Erasmus School of Law. She combines this position with a parttime (0,2) professorship in Private International Law at Utrecht University. In addition, she is a Deputy Judge at the District Court of Rotterdam, and member of the advisory board of this court . She was elected member to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2019. She studied law at Leiden University (cum laude). Her first (student) article was awarded with the Ars Aequi prize (1996). She was assistant professor at Leiden University and obtained her Ph.D. on provisional measures and private international law in 2001. She worked as an assistant and associate professor at Erasmus School of Law and was appointed professor on 1 February 2011.
Xandra conducts research and lectures in the area of civil justice and private international law and has published numerous articles and books in these areas. She is particularly fascinated by the cross-roads between economic efficiency and procedural fairness, the functioning of civil justice systems and its impact on litigants, transnational complex litigation and enforcement, and the harmonisation of EU private international law and civil procedure. Her research combines doctrinal legal research, comparative law, policy-oriented and empirical research.
She was awarded a research fellowship for a project on the harmonisation of civil procedure in the EU by the Board of Erasmus University (2004). In 2010, she was awarded a VIDI-grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for a research on Securing Quality in Cross-Border Enforcement in the EU (2011-2016). In 2016, she obtained an ERC consolidator grant for her project Building EU civil justice: challenges of procedural innovations - bridging access to justice (2017-2022). In 2020, she was awarded a VICI grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for the project Affordable access to justice: challenges of procedural innovations - bridging access to justice (2020-2025). She has been a project leader and has participated in numerous studies for the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, the European Parliament, and the European Commission, and acts as an expert in the area of innovation of justice, digitisation, and various topics of litigation.
In 2019, she was elected member to the Dutch Royal Society of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and currently chairs the Law section. She is an elected member of the Institute de Droit International (IDI) (2021). Currently she serves on the Council of the European Law Institute (ELI).
Key (edited) books on Private International Law:
- X.E. Kramer/L. Carballo Piñeiro (eds), Research Methods in Private International Law: A Handbook on Regulation, Research and Teaching, Elgar 2024
- Asser/Kramer & Verhagen, Internationaal Privaatrecht 10-III, Internationaal vermogensrecht 2022
Key (edited) books on Civil Procedure:
- X.E. Kramer, S. Voet, L. Ködderitzsch, M. Tulibacka and B. Hess (eds), Delivering Justice: A Holistic and Multidisciplinary Approach, Hart Publishing/Bloomsbury, 2022.
- X.E. Kramer, J. Hoevenaars, B. Kas & E. Themeli (eds), Frontiers in Civil Justice: Privatisation, Monetisation and Digitisation, Edward Elgar, 2022
- X.E. Kramer, A. Biard, J. Hoevenaars & E. Themeli (eds), New Pathways to Civil Justice in Europe, Springer 2021
- X.E. Kramer & J. Sorabji (eds.), International Business Courts: A European and Global Perspective, Eleven International Publishing 2019 (full open access)
- B. Hess & X.E. Kramer (eds), From Common Rules to Best Practices in European Civil Procedure, Baden-Baden/Oxford: Nomos/Hart 2017
- X.E. Kramer & C.H. van Rhee (eds), Civil Litigation in a Globalising World, Springer 2012
Most papers in English are accessible on SSRN and project-related publications and activities on
More information
- Xandra Kramer (2024) - The Quest for Funding under the Dutch WAMCA: Third Party Funding and the Viability of a Procedural Fund - Emory International Law Review, 38 (4), 101-118 - [link]
- Jos Hoevenaars & Xandra Kramer (2024) - Collectieve acties als panacee voor de beslechting van consumentengeschillen: De WAMCA als proeftuin voor Europa - Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht & handelspraktijken, 2024 (4), 230-240 - [link]
- Xandra Kramer & Jos Hoevenaars (2024) - Class actions en financiering in Nederland: een vergelijkend perspectief - Ars Aequi, 73 (Juli/Augustus), 650-658 - [link]
- Xandra Kramer & Laura Carballo Piñeiro (2024) - Preface - [link]
- Laura Carballo Piñeiro & Xandra Kramer (2024) - Private international law in a global world: a revival of methodologies and research methods - doi: 10.4337/9781800375536.00006 - [link]
- Xandra Kramer, I.N. Tzankova, Jos Hoevenaars & CJM (Catharina) van Doorn (2024) - Financing Collective Actions in the Netherlands: Towards a Litigation Fund? - [link]
- Xandra Kramer & Laura Carballo Piñeiro (2024) - Preface - [link]
- Xandra Kramer & Laura Carballo Piñeiro (2024) - Research Methods in Private International Law: A Handbook on Regulation, Research and Teaching - [link]
- Xandra Kramer & Laura Carballo (2024) - Young-OGEMID Author Interview #6: Prof. Dr. Xandra Kramer and Prof. Dr. Laura Carballo Piñeiro (March 2024) - [link]
- Xandra Kramer & Eduardo Silva de Freitas (2024) - International tech litigation reaches the next level: collective actions against TikTok and Google - [link]
- Xandra Kramer (15 september 2021) - Xandra Kramer appointed as Associate Member of the Institut De Droit International
- Xandra Kramer (22 februari 2021) - Global disputes, local courts?
- Xandra Kramer (2 december 2020) - RSF and 60 other organisations call for an EU anti-SLAPP directive December 2, 2020 Find out more
- Xandra Kramer (2 december 2020) - RSF and 60 other organisations call for an EU anti-SLAPP directive
- Xandra Kramer (1 december 2020) - EU: A call for action to combat SLAPPs
- Xandra Kramer (1 december 2020) - Protecting public watchdogs across the EU: A proposal for an EU anti-SLAPP law
- Xandra Kramer (21 oktober 2020) - Priskila Penasthika and Xandra Kramer discuss private international law in ‘Law Out Loud’
- Xandra Kramer (26 februari 2020) - Two professors from Erasmus University Rotterdam awarded Vici grant worth 1.5 million euros
- Xandra Kramer (21 februari 2020) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam: Xandra Kramer and Antoinette Maassen van den Brink awarded Vici grant worth 1.5 million euros
- Xandra Kramer (2020) - Creation, main principles, and perspectives of the ELI-Unidroit Model (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Xandra Kramer (2019) - KNAW, domain Behavioural Sciences, Social Sciences and Law (External organisation) (Member)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic - Xandra Kramer (2018) - The application of the European law of civil procedure in the dialogue between the CJEU and national courts (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Xandra Kramer (2018) - The ELI/Unidroit Rules of European Civil Procedure (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Xandra Kramer (2018) - The work on provisional measures within the ELI-Unidroit project (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Xandra Kramer (2018) - The EU civil justice agenda and the ELI-Unidroit project on European Rules of Civil Procedure as a model for Europe (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Xandra Kramer (2018) - Online Dispute Resolution (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Xandra Kramer (2018) - ODR: Advancing Digital Justice in Europe and some lessons from the Netherlands (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Xandra Kramer (2018) - Netherlands International Law Review (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Xandra Kramer (2018) - European Law Institute (ELI) and Unidroit (External organisation) (Member)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic
- Xandra Kramer (2021) - Member Institut de Droit International
- Xandra Kramer (2020) - Vici grant 'Affordable Access to Justice: Towards sustainable cost and funding mechanisms for civil litigation in Europe'
- Xandra Kramer (2017) - ERC Consilidator Grant 'Building EU civil justice: challenges of procedural innovations bridging access to justice'
- Xandra Kramer & Luxembourg Max Planck Institute (2016) - Evaluation study of national procedural laws and practices under EU consumer law
- Xandra Kramer & M.J. De Rooij (2016) - The application of Brussels I (recast) in the legal practice of EU Member States (Action Grant European Commission)
- Xandra Kramer (2010) - Vidi grant 'Securing Quality in Cross-Border Enforcement: Towards European Principles of Civil Procedure? '
European Law Institute
- Start date approval
- januari 2023
- End date approval
- januari 2026
- Place
- Description
- Member Council
Diversen tijdschriften en uitgevers
- Start date approval
- januari 2023
- End date approval
- januari 2026
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- Description
- Peer reviewer
- Start date approval
- januari 2023
- End date approval
- januari 2026
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- Description
- Ad hoc commissielid en referent
Rechtbank Rotterdam
- Start date approval
- januari 2023
- End date approval
- januari 2026
- Place
- Description
- rechter-plaatsvervanger
St. ter bevordering van Int. Privaatrechtelijk OZ
- Start date approval
- januari 2023
- End date approval
- januari 2026
- Place
- Description
- Secretaris-penningmeester
Universiteit Utrecht
- Start date approval
- januari 2023
- End date approval
- januari 2026
- Place
- Description
- Hoogleraar 0,2 fte
European Private International Law
- Year Level
- master, master, master, master, master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RB22
National and International Civil Procedu
- Year Level
- master, master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RL75
Thesis Master Private Law
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RS112