prof.dr. WB (Wolf) Wagner


Wolf Wagner is a Professor of Finance at the Rotterdam School of Management and a fellow of CEPR. He is also a member of ERIM, EBC and a Senior Member of TILEC. His work has been published in the main finance journals, such as the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies, the Review of Finance, Management Science, the Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis. Wolf Wagner's work focuses on banking and financial markets. Key themes in his research are the wider implications of financial innovation for the efficiency and stability of the financial system, as well as the role of diversity in creating a more resilient economy. Recent interests include cross-border banking, systemic risk in the insurance sector as well as lobbying and political activities at banks.

See Wolf Wagner's personal site for more information.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Full professor | Department of Finance


  • Rob van Tulder, Maarten Boksem, Ale Smidts, Harwin de Vries, Pursey Heugens, Gerrit van Bruggen, Wolf Wagner, Aurelie Lemmens, Julija Mell, Rommert Dekker & Hang Chan (1 december 2021) - ERIM recognises outstanding researchers with annual awards
  • Wolf Wagner (23 september 2019) - This is how we can reduce risk and improve stability within the financial system
  • Wolf Wagner (1 maart 2019) - Insurance.(Program and Working Group Meeting)

FI Honours Class

Year Level
Course Code


Year Level
bachelor 1, bachelor 1
Course Code

Banking and Financial Institutions

Year Level
master, master, master, master
Course Code

  • Eden Quxian Zhang

    Financing and Regulatory Frictions in Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Stefan van Kampen

    The Cross-sectional and Time-Series Dynamics of Corporate Finance: Empirical evidence from financially constrained firms
  • Philip Fliers

    Essays on Financing and Performance: The role of firms, banks and boards
  • Project Patty Duijm
  • Francesco Mazzola

    Externalities in economics and finance: Essays on spillover effects and economic decisions
  • Taavi Mandel

    Doctoral Research in Corporate Finance
  • Lingtian Kong

    Essays on Financial Coordination
  • Francesca Caucci

    PhD in Finance
  • Zhiyao Xu

    PhD in Finance
  • Masoud Mohebbi

    Research in Taxation

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen