T (Tonka) Milošević, MSc


Tonka Milošević is a PhD Candidate in the Gravitation Program Public Values in the Algorithmic Society (AlgoSoc) focused on researching how public values are realized in a society riddled with algorithms. As a member of the Health sector of AlgoSoc, she works on a project "Researching consequences of mHealth on wellbeing" within which she researches how healthy lifestyle apps impact users' wellbeing and especially their public values such as autonomy, integrity, privacy etc.  


At Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, she is part of the Erasmus Movez Lab (Movez Network) and the Erasmus Initiative Societal Impact of AI (AiPact) research groups which both share a common goal of researching how digital technology and AI influence and impact different groups of people such as children, adolescents, workers, etc., and how they can be used to promote positive changes. 


Research Interests:
#behavioralchange #health #healthpsychology #socialchange #eHealth #mHealth #design #healthinterventions


Tonka received a Bachelors degree in Psychology from the University of Rijeka (Croatia) and a Masters degree in Health Psychology and Digital Interventions from Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands).
As part of her Master practical and research internship she worked on designing a part of a Student Wellbeing app for students of EUR focused on implementing elements of cognitive behavioural therapy (Cognitive Restructuring) with a goal of helping students deal with their negative and unproductive thoughts in order to regulate their emotions and behaviours.


Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

PhD candidate | Behavioural Change

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