Click here for my CV.
I am a professor of marketing and a behavioral scientist at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. I am also the head of the Department of Marketing Management at RSM and the director of the Psychology of AI Lab at the Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics.
Finishing high-school in Italy, I didn’t know what to do so I decided to buy myself some time by studying statistics—understanding data seemed a useful thing in life. Few years later, I enrolled in the PhD program at London Business School and discovered a passion for studying consumption and decision-making.
My main research interests are in the area of autonomous technology adoption, both in consumer markets and production. Most of my current projects explore the value of human labor in the age of AI. In addition, I have published papers in the areas of advertising language, consumer identity, and numerical cognition. My research has appeared in Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Management Science, Nature Human Behaviour, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, International Journal of Research in Marketing, and other journals. I have also published in managerial outlets like Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review, and my research is often featured in the media. I am currently an Associate Editor at the Journal of Consumer Research and at the Journal of Marketing.
I teach in the areas of marketing strategy, innovation and technology adoption, brand management, and decision making. Sometimes, I also help companies with training and consulting. In addition to RSM, I have taught at Lancaster University, London Business School, Bocconi University, and the American University in Cairo.
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
More information
- Ariovaldo Alberto Da Silva, Alina Ferecatu, Joëlle Vanhamme, Stefano Puntoni & Rafael Alberto Souza e Silva (2025) - Enhancing B2B sustainability through customer training in product-service systems: A design science approach - Industrial Marketing Management, 125, 355-372 - doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2025.01.009 - [link]
- Gizem Yalcin, Erlis Themeli, Evert Stamhuis, Stefan Philipsen & Stefano Puntoni (2023) - Perceptions of Justice By Algorithms - Artificial Intelligence and Law, 31 (2), 269-292 - doi: 10.1007/s10506-022-09312-z - [link]
- Eugina Leung, MC (Maria) Cito, Gabriele Paolacci & Stefano Puntoni (2022) - Preference for Material Products in Identity-Based Consumption - Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32 (4), 672-679 - doi: 10.1002/jcpy.1272 - [link]
- Gizem Yalcin, Sarah Lim, Stefano Puntoni & Stijn M.J. van Osselaer (2022) - Thumbs Up or Down: Consumer Reactions to Decisions by Algorithms Versus Humans - Journal of Marketing Research, 59 (4), 696-717 - doi: 10.1177/00222437211070016 - [link]
- Selin Goksel, David Faro & Stefano Puntoni (2022) - Psychological Causes of Medical Signs Decrease Perceived Severity, Support for Care, and Donations - Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 7 (2), 164-174 - doi: 10.1086/718454 - [link]
- Stefano Puntoni & Niela Kleinsmith (2022) - Proteus Digital Health: Healthcare for Everyone, Everywhere - [link]
- Stefano Puntoni & Kassiani Nikolopoulou (2022) - Wizenoze: Matching Digital Content to Learners in a Post-truth World - [link]
- Jia Gai & Stefano Puntoni (2021) - Language and Consumer Dishonesty: A Self-Diagnosticity Theory - Journal of Consumer Research - doi: 10.1093/jcr/ucab001 - [link]
- Bart de Langhe & Stefano Puntoni (2021) - Leading with decision-driven data analytics - MIT Sloan Management Review, 62 (3) - [link]
- Stefano Puntoni, R Walker Reczek, M Giesler & S Botti (2021) - Consumers and Artificial Intelligence: An Experiential Perspective - Journal of Marketing, 85 (1), 131-151 - doi: 10.1177/0022242920953847 - [link]
- Stefano Puntoni (18 mei 2023) - Do acquisitions harm the acquired brand? Identifying conditions that reduce the negative effect
- Stefano Puntoni (19 april 2023) - Are you making the most of your customer behaviour analytics?
- Stefano Puntoni (23 november 2022) - Do acquisitions harm the acquired brand? Identifying conditions that reduce the negative effect
- Stefano Puntoni (28 oktober 2020) - How computer scientists and marketers can create a better CX with AI
- Steven Sweldens & Stefano Puntoni (24 februari 2020) - GIBS Lecturer wins Outstanding Contribution to the Case Method at the European Case Centre’s 30th Awards
- Stefano Puntoni (14 augustus 2019) - I'd Rather Be Replaced By A Robot Than A Human Being
- Stefano Puntoni (6 augustus 2019) - Most workers would prefer to be replaced by a robot than by another human
- Stefano Puntoni, Gijs van Oenen, Stefan Philipsen & Erlis Themeli (2018) - The impact of Artificial Intelligence on dispute resolution
- Year Level
- Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3
AI, Business and Consumers
- Year Level
- Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3, Bachelor 3