Sandra Meeuwsen (Curaçao, 1966) obtained her Master's degree in philosophy in 1990 at Radboud University Nijmegen, graduating on Wittgenstein's Tractatus. At university, she discovered track and field running, later expanded to triathlon (1984-1997), in which she performed nationally on top 10 level and took up training and coaching. Since 1994 Sandra has been employed in sports policy, starting at the Dutch Olympic Committee (NOC*NSF), where she became a senior staff member in political-strategic issues. From 2008 she opted for an independent position as change manager at national policy partners, sports federations, municipalities, sports industry and ministries. Since 2012 she has been teaching philosophy of science and ethics at the Master Strategy & Leadership (AOG School of Management) and the Executive MBA Sports & Health at Wagner Graduate School.
September 24th 2020, Sandra defended her dissertation 'Critique of Sports Reason; a Philosophical Archaeology of Modern Sports' at Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Free University of Brussels, supervisor Prof. Dr. Marc Van den Bossche. This doctoral research offers the prelude to a critical continental philosophical approach in the philosophy of sport, supporting both other scientific disciplines and policy & practice in sport. As of June 2022, Sandra holds the position of Scientific Director of the 'Erasmus Center for Sport Integrity & Transition' (ESPRIT), hosted by Erasmus School of Philosophy.
Erasmus School of Philosophy
More information
- Aldo Houterman & Sandra Meeuwsen (2024) - Sport en filosofie in context - Wijsgerig Perspectief, 64 (03), 4 - doi: 10.5117/WP2024.3.001.HOUT - [link]
- Sandra Meeuwsen (2024) - Editorial: Special Issue Sport, Ethics and Philosophy: ‘Sport and Psychoanalysis’ - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 18 (1), 1-6 - doi: 10.1080/17511321.2023.2295776 - [link]
- Sandra Meeuwsen & Hub Zwart (2024) - Hands, Feet, Eyes, and the Object <i>a</i>: A Lacanian Anatomy of Football - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 18 (1), 51-66 - doi: 10.1080/17511321.2023.2195681 - [link]
- Sandra Meeuwsen (2023) - Het integriteitsvraagstuk in de moderne sport als ‘learning journey’ - Justitiële Verkenningen, 49 (2), 10-22 - doi: 10.5553/JV/016758502023049001002 - [link]
- Sandra Meeuwsen & Lev Kreft (2022) - Sport and Politics in the Twenty-First Century - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 17 (3), 342-355 - doi: 10.1080/17511321.2022.2152480 - [link]
- Sandra Meeuwsen (2022) - Ungrounding Homo Ludens: On Agamben and Modern Sports - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 16 (3), 318-332 - doi: 10.1080/17511321.2021.1957006 - [link]
- Sandra Meeuwsen (2020) - Kritiek van de Sportieve Rede: Een filosofische archeologie van de moderne sport - [link]
Minor Sports and Society
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FEB53120
Minor Sports and Society
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FEB53120M