I am Assistant Professor at Rotterdam School of Management. Before joining Erasmus University, I held a postdoctoral position at Boston University.
My research has been published in leading marketing journals (Marketing Science, JAMS, IJRM) and general science journals (PNAS, Nature Human Behavior).
Research interests: health and sustainable decision making; behavioral interventions and choice architecture; psychology of artificial intelligence.
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Assistant professor | Department of Marketing Management
More information
- Christophe Lembregts & Romain Cadario (2024) - Consumer-driven climate mitigation: Exploring barriers and solutions in studying higher mitigation potential behaviors - International Journal of Research in Marketing, 41 (3), 513-528 - doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2024.04.001 - [link]
- Begum Celiktutan, Romain Cadario & Carey K. Morewedge (2024) - People see more of their biases in algorithms - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121 (16), e2317602121 - doi: 10.1073/pnas.2317602121 - [link]
- Carmel Shachar, Romain Cadario, I. Glenn Cohen & Carey K. Morewedge (2023) - HIPAA is a misunderstood and inadequate tool for protecting medical data - Nature Medicine, 29 (8), 1900-1902 - doi: 10.1038/s41591-023-02355-y - [link]
- Pierre Chandon & Romain Cadario (2023) - Healthy in the wrong way: Mismatching of marketers’ food claim use and consumers’ preferences in the United States but not France - Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51 (1), 153-173 - doi: 10.1007/s11747-022-00885-4 - [link]
- Romain Cadario & Carey Morewedge (2022) - Why Do People Eat the Same Breakfast Every Day? Goals and Circadian Rhythms of Variety Seeking in Meals - Appetite, 168 - doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105716 - [link]
- Chiara Longoni, Romain Cadario & Carey Morewedge (2021) - For Patients to Trust Medical AI, They Need to Understand It - Harvard Business Review (digital) - [link]
- Romain Cadario, Chiara Longoni & Carey K. Morewedge (2021) - Understanding, explaining, and utilizing medical artificial intelligence - Nature Human Behaviour, 5 (12), 1636-1642 - doi: 10.1038/s41562-021-01146-0 - [link]
- S Holden, N Zlatevska, J Parkinson, Romain Cadario, C Dubelaar, J Lei, E Moore, N Sayarh, A Van Kerckhove & C Werle (2021) - Unpalatable food for thought: let marketing research guide effective public obesity interventions - Obesity Reviews, 22 (2) - doi: 10.1111/obr.13141 - [link]
- E Rousselet, B Brial, Romain Cadario & A Béji-Bécheur (2020) - Moral intensity, issue characteristics and ethical issue recognition in sales situations - Journal of Business Ethics, 163, 347-363 - doi: 10.1007/s10551-018-4020-1
- Romain Cadario & P Chandon (2020) - Which healthy eating nudges work best? A meta-analysis of field experiments - Marketing Science, 39 (3), 459-665 - doi: 10.1287/mksc.2018.1128 - [link]
- Romain Cadario (28 juni 2023) - AI for patients: Hype or Hope?
- Romain Cadario (15 december 2021) - Study Explains Why We Eat the Same Breakfast All The Time
- Romain Cadario (13 december 2021) - Study reveals why humans eat same breakfast on a daily basis
- Romain Cadario (13 december 2021) - Why You Eat the Same Thing For Breakfast Every Day
- Romain Cadario (24 augustus 2021) - AI is not a bad doctor – if you trust it
Research Project
- Year Level
- bachelor 2, bachelor 3, pre-master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- BT2103
Consumer Marketing Research
- Year Level
- master, IM/CEMS, Exchange, ERIM
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- BM02MM