prof.dr. R (Renske) Keizer


Renske Keizer (1983) is full professor in Family Sociology at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Keizer’s primary research interest is the role that families play in strengthening, maintaining or weakening social inequalities. Her research straddles sociology, pedagogical sciences, demography, and developmental psychology. Central to her work is the application of the theory-based life course approach to the behavior and well-being of individuals, and (extended) families. She has a demonstrated track record of significant contributions to multiple fields and to policy debates, through several highly-cited publications in top-tier journals, such as Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Family Psychology, Population and Development Review, European Sociological Review, and European Journal of Population. She has received several prestigious grants, amongst which an ERC Starting Grant, a NWO VENI and a NWO VIDI award. In 2016, she was selected as one of the 25 most talented young scholars of all Dutch and Flemish universities. Since 2019 she is member of the Young Academy, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences. In 2020 she won the Joannes Juda Groen Junior Prize (biannual) for excellent and innovative interdisciplinary research.

Currently, Renske Keizer is involved in two international research collaborations. As representative of the Netherlands, Renske Keizer is member of a research group investigating The Development of Inequalities in Child Educational Achievement (DICE). This international network, led by Dr. Liz Washbrook (University of Bristol) and Prof. dr. Jane Waldfogel (Columbia University) investigates from a cross-national perspective the development of social inequalities in children’s educational achievements and school performances. Other network members include, amongst others: Dr. Anne Solaz (INED), Dr. Lidia Panico (INED), Sabine Weinert (Bamberg), and Thorsten Schneider (Leipzig). In 2018 we received an Open Research Area for the Social Sciences grant to conduct our interdisciplinary international research.  

Again, as representative of the Netherlands, Renske Keizer is involved in the Nonmarital Childbearing Network: This international network, led by Dr. Brienna Perelli-Harris (University of Southampton) investigates the development of nonmarital childbearing and family change. Other network members include, amongst others: Dr. Wendy Sigle-Rushton (London School of Economics), Dr. Michaela Kreyenfeld (Max Planck Institute, Rostock), Dr Trude Lappegard (Statistics Norway) and Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Thompson (Stockholm University). Our Nonmarital Childbearing Network received international recognition and acknowledgement in the form of an ERC starting grant, which Brienna Perelli Harris, as principal investigator, applied for (CHILDCOHAB: project number: 263794).    

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Full professor | Science Public Issues and Imaginaries


  • Talitha Stam, Renske Keizer, Roel Steensel, Nicole Lucassen & Brian Godor (2019) - Eindpresentatie samen leren onderzoek (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Professional
  • Lisa Storm, Casper Lissa, Nicole Lucassen, Katrien Helmerhorst & Renske Keizer (2019) - Parenting Behavior in Relation to Children’s Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analysis. (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Renske Verweij & Renske Keizer (2019) - Remaining childless: Examining the different pathways that lead to a childless life for men (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Katrien Helmerhorst, Lisa Storm, Nicole Lucassen & Renske Keizer (2019) - Comparing father-child and mother-child attachment relationships and its links to children’s social-emotional development (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Katrien Helmerhorst, L van der Storm, Nicole Lucassen & Renske Keizer (2019) - Comparing father-child and mother-child attachment relationships and its links to children’s social-emotional development (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Renske Keizer (2019) - Journal of Marriage and Family (Journal) (Editor)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic
  • Lisa Storm, Katrien Helmerhorst, Nicole Lucassen & Renske Keizer (2018) - Zijn vaders als opvoeders uniek? De invloed van vaders op de ontwikkeling van hun kind. (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Popular

  • R (Renske) Keizer (2020) - Joannes Juda Groen Prize


Start date approval
maart 2024
End date approval
maart 2026
Voorzitter Wetenschapscommissie NIDI

4.1 Families and Inequalities

Course Code

1.2C Sociologie

Course Code

1.4 Sociologische vraagstukken 2

Course Code

4.3 Master's Thesis

Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. R (Renske) Keizer

Vici’s voor drie Rotterdamse wetenschappers

Prof.dr. Renske Keizer, prof.dr. Aurelie Lemmens en dr. Wendy van de Sande ontvangen een prestigieuze Vici-beurs van NWO.
Campus Woudestein

Vici beurs voor Renske Keizer

Zij ontvangt de beurs voor het project: Houdt opvoeding sociale ongelijkheid in stand? Het draait om tijd!
Renske Keizer

Hoe onderzoek van Renske Keizer bijdroeg aan een ruimhartiger vaderschapsverlof

Onderzoek van Renske Keizer (Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences) laat zien dat dit ongelijkheid op meerdere manieren kan tegengaan.
Vader met kind

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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