dr. MMAC (Mark) van Ostaijen


Mark M.A.C. van Ostaijen is as Associate Professor affiliated to the Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS/ ESSB) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He works as Managing Director of the [LDE Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity]. He is a VIDI grant recipient (2025) to conduct international comparative research on the decision-making of ‘street-level workers’ in superdiverse European cities. [] In his previous research project at Tilburg University, [SmartUrbI][], he conducted etnographic fieldwork on how 'smart urban intermediaries' make a difference in neighborhoods of Amsterdam, Glasgow, Birmingham and Copenhagen. His PhD dissertation ['Worlds between words'][Worlds between words], was awarded as ‘Best PhD thesis’ by the Erasmus Graduate School. During his PhD research he was one of the founders and chairman of the IMISCOE PhD network, an Organizing Committee Member of the Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) conference in Leicester (UK) and a visiting doctoral research fellow at De Montfort University (UK). He published a Dutch book ‘[Wij zijn ons. Een kleine sociologie van grote denkers’][Wij zijn ons. Een kleine sociologie van grote denkers] (Vantilt / [Boom][], 3th edition), (see here for coverage at [NRC][], [Volkskrant][], [ND][] and [VN][]) a Committee Member of the Colloquium Critical and Interpretive Public Administration at the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG), editor of Beleid & Maatschappij and columnist for De Volkskrant. [LDE Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity]: https://www.gmdcentre.nl/home [European University of Post-Industrial Cities]: https://www.unic.eu/ [SmartUrbI]: http://www.smart-urban-intermediaries.com/ [Worlds between words]: https://repub.eur.nl/pub/99986 [Wij zijn ons. Een kleine sociologie van grote denkers]: https://vantilt.nl/tweede-druk-voor-wij-zijn-ons/ [Boom]: https://www.boomgeschiedenis.nl/auteur/110-8565_Ostaijen/100-9242_Wij-z… [NRC]: https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2018/12/28/wie-durft-weer-aan-de-samenleving-… [Volkskrant]: https://www.volkskrant.nl/wetenschap/socioloog-mark-van-ostaijen-wij-he… [ND]: https://www.nd.nl/cultuur/cultuur/546596/ons-wil-dat-het-over-mij-gaat?… [VN]: https://www.vn.nl/socioloog-rehabilitatie-vakgebied/

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Associate professor | Policy, Politics and Society


  • Mark van Ostaijen (24 november 2023) - ‘It’s scary’: residents in Rotterdam reflect on Geert Wilders’ election win

  • Laura Westerveen, Mark van Ostaijen & Susanne Janssen (2024) - Doing Diversity Lab II (Organiser)
    Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event Professional
  • Mark van Ostaijen, Laura Westerveen & Susanne Janssen (2023) - Doing Diversity Lab (Organiser)
    Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event Professional
  • Mark van Ostaijen (2022) - Robert Putnam (Host)
    Activiteit: Hosting an academic visitor Academic
  • Maria Schiller, Isabel Awad Cherit, Mark van Ostaijen & Jiska Engelbert (2022) - Societal impact after the hype: Unpacking experiences in diversity and inclusion research (Organiser)
    Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event Academic

  • Mark van Ostaijen (2018) - Best PhD Thesis

3.5C Political Philosophy and Democracy

Course Code

4.3 Designing Migration Policy Research

Course Code

3.2 Political Philosophy and Democracy

Course Code

1.2C Sociologie

Course Code

3.2 Political Philosophy and Democracy

Course Code

4.4 Thesis Research

Course Code

1.1C Sociology 1

Course Code

News regarding dr. MMAC (Mark) van Ostaijen

NWO Vidi-subsidie voor Mark van Ostaijen voor onderzoek naar de praktijk van stedelijke superdiversiteit

Van Ostaijen gaat internationaal vergelijkend onderzoek doen naar de besluitvorming van ‘street-level workers’, zoals agenten, in superdiverse Europese steden

Uitwisseling van ervaringen met diversiteitsuitdagingen tijdens Doing Diversity Lab

Uitwisselen van ervaringen met diversiteitskwesties en co-creatie met onderzoeksdeelnemers tijdens Doing Diversity Lab

We smijten met 'crises' en dat is problematisch

Bestuurssocioloog Mark van Ostaijen van Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam bestudeert de term crisis en concludeert dat het woord onderhevig is aan inflatie, vertelt
Mark van Ostaijen

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