dr. M (Maren) Wehrle


Maren Wehrle is Associate Professor in Practical Philosophy at Erasmus School of Philosophy. Maren Wehrle, obtained a Master degree in Philosophy, German Literature and Historical Anthropology at the University of Freiburg, Germany (2006). In 2011 she received a doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Freiburg with a dissertation entitled ‘Horizonte der Aufmerksamkeit. Entwurf einer dynamischen Konzeption der Aufmerksamkeit aus phänomenologischer und kognitionspsychologischer Sicht‘. From 2012 until 2017 she worked as Post-Doctoral Researcher and Lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy (Center of Phenomenoloigcal and Continental Philosophy: Husserl Archives) of KU Leuven, Belgium. Her areas of specializations are Phenomenology, Philosophical and Historical Anthropology, Feminist Philosophy and Cognitive Psychology. Wehrle has authored many articles on topics like embodiment, habit, normality, attention, and normativity. She has written a monograph on Attention in Phenomenology and Cognitive Psychology, ‘Horizonte der Aufmerksamkeit‘ (München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag 2013), and recently an 'Introduction to the Method of Phenomenology' ('Phänomenologie. Eine Einführung'. In Methoden der Philosophie. Springer 2022). Together with other colleagues she edited (with M. Ubiali) the volume ‘Feeling and Value, Willing and Action’(Phaenomenologica: Springer 2015), a handbook on Edmund Husserl (together with S. Luft), ‘Husserl Handbuch. Leben-Werk-Wirkung’ (Metzler: Stuttgart 2018), and recently the transdisciplinary volume 'Access and Mediation. Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Attention' (with Diego D'Angelo and Elizaveta Solomonova).

Current Projects:  'Flagship Integrative Neuromedicine', Convergence Health and Technology, EMC, EUR, and TU Delft, internal funding (Principle Investigator/Team Leader EUR): https://convergence.nl/flagship-integrative-neuromedicine/

Areas of competence (for PhD supervision): Phenomenology, Philosophical and Historical Anthropology, Cognitive Sciences, Feminist Philosophy/Gender Studies, Philosophy of Technology

[Most of her recent work is available here.]: http://eur.academia.edu/MarenWehrle

Erasmus School of Philosophy

Associate professor | WP ESPhil


  • Maren Wehrle (28 maart 2023) - Reports on Philosophy and Social Criticism from Erasmus University Provide New Insights (Can the "real World" Please Stand Up? the Struggle for Normality As a Claim To Reality)
  • Maren Wehrle, Daan Brinks, Zhenyu Gao, Ingmar Franken, Matthias Wieser & Ingmar Franken (17 augustus 2022) - Neurological Disorders have significant impact on patients and health systems
  • Maren Wehrle, Daan Brinks, Zhenyu Gao, Ingmar Franken, Matthias Wieser & Ingmar Franken (16 augustus 2022) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam : Neurological Disorders have significant impact on patients and health systems

  • Catherine Koekoek, Setareh Noorani, Maren Wehrle, Tijn van de Wijdeven, Najiba Yasmin & Britt van Leeuwen (2024) - Changing Institutions with Sara Ahmed (Organiser)
    Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event Professional
  • Maren Wehrle (2024) - ‘Smells like teen spirit. Plasticity beyond adaption and prediction (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Maren Wehrle (2024) - ‘The Sound of Silence. Or how to speak about the normality and objectivity of secondary qualities. (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Maren Wehrle (2024) - A normal brain, a normal mind. (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Popular
  • Maren Wehrle (2024) - Unmaking a Murder. An evening on psychopaths and neuromodulation (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Popular
  • Maren Wehrle (2023) - ‘The normative body.’ (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Maren Wehrle (2023) - ‚Was ist (noch) normal? Gelebte und repräsentierte Normalität.‘ (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Popular
  • Maren Wehrle (2023) - Is there a Crisis of Attention? (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Popular
  • Maren Wehrle (2023) - Gelebte und repräsentierte Normalität. Versuch einer Genealogie und Kritik (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Maren Wehrle (2023) - Lived and represented normality. A phenomenological genealogy and critique of normative embodiment (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic

MA Central

Course Code

Second Degree Thesis

Bachelor 3
Year Level
Bachelor 3
Course Code

Master Thesis Philosophy

Master 1
Year Level
Master 1
Course Code

Bachelor 2
Year Level
Bachelor 2
Course Code

Bachelor 3
Year Level
Bachelor 3
Course Code

News regarding dr. M (Maren) Wehrle

Neurologische aandoeningen hebben grote gevolgen voor patiënten en gezondheidszorg

Onderzoek om de negatieve impact van deze aandoeningen op het leven van de patiënten te verminderen.

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