More information
- Brendan Rose, Malouke Kuiper, Chris Reinders Folmer & Benjamin van Rooij (2024) - Can criminology sway the public?: How empirical findings about deterrence affect public punishment preferences Opent extern - Crime Science, 13 (1) - doi: 10.1186/s40163-024-00240-8Opent extern
- Malouke Kuiper (2024) - Parallel worlds: Assessing the alignment between social science and legal practice about behavioral change Opent extern - [link]Opent extern
- Malouke Kuiper, Benjamin van Rooij & Alexis Piquero (2024) - How Punishment Affects Crime: An Integrated Understanding of the Behavioral Mechanisms of Punishment Opent extern - [link]Opent extern
- Malouke Kuiper, Chris Reinders Folmer, Emmeke Barbara Kooistra, Greg Pogarsky & Benjamin van Rooij (2023) - How criminology affects punishment: Analyzing conditions under which scientific information affects sanction policy decisions Opent extern - [link]Opent extern
- Malouke Kuiper, Monique Chambon, Anne Leonore de Bruijn, Chris Reinders Folmer, Elke Hindina Olthuis, Megan Brownlee, Emmeke Barbara Kooistra, Adam Fine, Frenk van Harreveld, Gaby Lunansky & Benjamin van Rooij (2023) - A network approach to compliance: A complexity science understanding of how rules shape behavior Opent extern - Journal of Business Ethics, 184 (2), 479-504 - doi: 10.1007/s10551-022-05128-8Opent extern
- Anne Leonore de Bruijn, Yuval Feldman, Chris Reinders Folmer, Malouke Kuiper, Megan Brownlee, Emmeke Barbara Kooistra, Elke Hindina Olthuis, Adam Fine & Benjamin van Rooij (2023) - Cross-theoretical compliance: An integrative compliance analysis of COVID-19 mitigation responses in Israel Opent extern - Administration and Society, 55 (4), 635-670 - doi: 10.1177/00953997221140899Opent extern - [link]Opent extern
- Lotte Reitsma & Malouke Kuiper (2022) - Integriteitsmanagement in grote kantoren: Handvatten voor een integrale aanpak Opent extern - [link]Opent extern
- Chris Reinders Folmer, Megan Brownlee, Adam Fine, Emmeke Barbara Kooistra, Malouke Kuiper, Elke Hindina Olthuis, Anne Leonore de Bruijn & Benjamin van Rooij (2021) - Social distancing in America: Understanding long-term adherence to COVID-19 mitigation recommendations Opent extern - PLoS ONE, 16 (9) - doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257945Opent extern
- Chris Reinders Folmer, Malouke Kuiper, Elke Hindina Olthuis, Emmeke Barbara Kooistra, Anne Leonore de Bruijn, Megan Brownlee, Adam Fine & Benjamin van Rooij (2020) - Compliance in the 1.5 meter society: Longitudinal analysis of citizens' adherence to COVID-19 mitigation measures in a representative sample in the Netherlands Opent extern - [link]Opent extern
- Benjamin van Rooij, Anne Leonore de Bruijn, Chris Reinders Folmer, Emmeke Barbara Kooistra, Malouke Kuiper, Megan Brownlee, Elke Hindina Olthuis & Adam Fine (2020) - Compliance with COVID-19 mitigation measures in the United States Opent extern - [link]Opent extern
Stichting Centre for Organisational Integrity
- Start date approval
- februari 2024
- End date approval
- januari 2027
- Place
- Description
- Bestuurssecretaris
Thesis Master CriminologyOpent extern
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RS133
PsychologyOpent extern
- Level
- bachelor 1
- Year Level
- bachelor 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RC117
Nature, Dimension of CrimeOpent extern
- Level
- bachelor 2
- Year Level
- bachelor 2
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RC215