dr. M (Malika) Ouacha


Dr. Malika Ouacha (she/her) is a lecturer and researcher on diasporic and bi-cultural volunteering and philanthropy at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in the Netherlands. She is an internationally trained cultural and social anthropologist with several degrees in Cultural and Social Anthropology and Sociology of non-Western societies. She holds a PhD in Business and Management from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, where she lectures and coordinates the BSc course Professional Development II, supervises MSc-students as coach and co-reader, and devotes her research on diaspora and bi-cultural volunteering and philanthropy in the country of origin yet done by diaspora and bi-cultural philanthropists who live in the country of residence.

Through her topic she aims to contribute to the intercultural dialogue in academia and practice. She focusses on philanthropic and voluntary behavior of diaspora and bi-cultural philanthropists and volunteers (think of refugees, economical immigrants, and those who are raised in two (or more) ethnical environments). Her research is done in national contexts in which diaspora and bi-cultural philanthropists and volunteers are active, their personal motives (intergenerational philanthropic traditions, pain-driven philanthropy, sense of belonging) and the possible effects of diaspora and bi-cultural philanthropy and volunteering (in both the country of residence and the country of origin). One may think of the effects of (what may seem as) post-colonial behavior, philanthropic activism, de-colonialization of philanthropy and development aid in crisis-situations.

Malika is a board-member of the World Opera Lab Netherlands and Yep Africa Foundation, and as a visiting lecturer she teaches courses on Diaspora Nonprofit, Diaspora engagement, and Decolonizing Philanthropy through Diaspora Nonprofit at several universities worldwide.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Researcher | Department of Business-Society Management

More information


  • Malika Ouacha (9 februari 2024) - Nederlanders met Marokkaanse wortels geven ruimhartig aan de herkomstregio van hun ouders of grootouders
  • Malika Ouacha (13 december 2023) - Verdiep je oprecht in Diaspora groepen
  • Malika Ouacha (4 mei 2023) - Koninklijke erkenning voor onderdrukte Amazigh gemeenschap: Yennayer wordt Marokkaanse feestdag
  • Malika Ouacha (13 december 2022) - Promovendus Malika Ouacha: verdiep je oprecht in diaspora groepen
  • Malika Ouacha (30 september 2021) - Zes Vrouwen in de Wetenschap
  • Malika Ouacha (7 juni 2021) - De traditie en schoonheid van Amazigh-gezichtstatoeages uitgelegd

  • Malika Ouacha (2024) - Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations (Journal) (Reviewer)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic

  • Malika Ouacha (2023) - New Emerging Scholar Award

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Start date approval
oktober 2023
End date approval
oktober 2026
Het geven van 2 online lectures via Zoom.

Centrum van Filantropie VU Amsterdam

Start date approval
februari 2024
End date approval
februari 2027
Lecture on Diaspora philanthropy

SIT Study Abroad

Start date approval
februari 2024
End date approval
februari 2027
Lecture on Diaspora philanthropy

Professionele ontwikkeling II

bachelor 2
Year Level
bachelor 2
Course Code

Professional Development II

bachelor 2
Year Level
bachelor 2
Course Code

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen