prof.dr. M (Markus) Haverland


Markus Haverland holds the chair in Political Science at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam. He has studied political science and public administration at the University of Konstanz and took his doctorate at the University of Utrecht. He has been a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute (Florence). His research and teaching interests include EU policy-making, comparative politics, comparative public policy, and case study designs. He is the principal investigator of the NWO project "Post-pandemic economic governance amidst politicisation" (PEGAP).  Markus has published, among other outlets, in European Union Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Social Policy, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Public Policy, Public Administration, Public Administration Review, and West European Politics. 

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Full professor | Policy, Politics and Society


  • Hub Zwart & Markus Haverland (15 augustus 2022) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam : 3 NWO Open Competition grants for EUR researchers
  • Hub Zwart & Markus Haverland (14 augustus 2022) - 3 NWO Open Competition Grants for EUR Researchers
  • Hub Zwart & Markus Haverland (14 augustus 2022) - 3 NWO Open Competition Grants for EUR Researchers (8/13/22)
  • Markus Haverland (11 september 2012) - Rechtsruck in de Niederlanden

  • Markus Haverland (2018) - Democratische instituties in tijden van globalisering - Accommodatie of frictie? (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Professional
  • Markus Haverland (2017) - European Research Centre for Economic and Financial Governance (Participant)
    Activiteit: Attending an event Academic
  • Markus Haverland (2015) - Explanatory Case Study Designs - Taking Stock and Looking Forward (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Markus Haverland & M Groenleer (2015) - European Research Centre for Economic and Financial Governance (Participant)
    Activiteit: Attending an event Academic
  • Markus Haverland (2014) - Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) (Journal) (Editor)
    Activiteit: Publication Peer-review Academic
  • Markus Haverland (2014) - Journal of European Public Policy (Journal) (Editor)
    Activiteit: Publication Peer-review Academic
  • Markus Haverland (2014) - Seventhh Pan-European Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the EU (Participant)
    Activiteit: Attending an event Academic
  • Markus Haverland (2014) - Seventh Pan-European Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the EU (Participant)
    Activiteit: Attending an event Academic
  • Markus Haverland (2014) - Sociological Methods & Research (SMR) (Journal) (Editor)
    Activiteit: Publication Peer-review Academic
  • Markus Haverland (2013) - Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) (Journal) (Editor)
    Activiteit: Publication Peer-review Academic

  • Menelaos Markakis, Fabian Amtenbrink, Markus Haverland, Ivo Arnold & Pim Jansen (2024) - EU Funding Jean Monnet Network PROSPER

3.2 Global & European Governance

Course Code

4.3 Master's thesis/Final Res. Proj. IMP

Course Code

4.1C European Union Policy-Making

Course Code

2.1C Political Science

Course Code

1.3C Political Science

Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. M (Markus) Haverland

Opkomst radicaal rechts maakt besluitvorming in Brussel lastiger

Prof.dr. Markus Haverland vertelt wat de impact is van de opkomst van radicaal rechts binnen de Europese Unie.
Markus Haverland looks into the camera.

Gaat Europa economisch hervormen?

Markus Haverland gaat onderzoeken of economische hervormingen door koppeling aan EU COVID-19 investeringsparket wel gaan lukken

3 NWO Open Competitie-beurzen voor EUR-onderzoekers

Wetenschappers Markus Haverland (ESSB), Daan van Knippenberg (RSM) en Hub Zwart (ESPhil) ontvangen een financiering van de NWO voor hun onderzoek.

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