(Kristel) K de Groot, MSc


Kristel de Groot works at the Erasmus School of Economics, where she uses her background in biological psychology to examine the electrophysiological correlates of decision-making under uncertain and risky conditions. To this end, she wires participants in the Erasmus Behavioural Laboratory to electrodes and lets them play (financial) games in which money can be won (and lost!). In addition, she works at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, were she examines the impact of disabilities on study performance and well-being of university students. She is an advocate of inclusive education and coordinates the Erasmus Functional Impairment Studies (EFIS), a longitudinal survey study (facebook.com/EUR.EFIS, instagram.com/efis_eur, twitter.com/EFIS_EUR). 

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Visiting fellow | Brain & Cognition

Erasmus School of Economics

External PhD candidate | Applied Economics

More information


  • K (Kristel) de Groot (2021) - Inclusivity and accessibility: do disabilities impact student performance and wellbeing?
  • K (Kristel) de Groot (2020) - Discussing Failures in Science - The Story of a Publication
  • K (Kristel) de Groot (2019) - Stand Up for Diversity
  • K (Kristel) de Groot (2019) - Disability dream or handicap nightmare?
  • K (Kristel) de Groot (2018) - The only way is up
  • K (Kristel) de Groot (2018) - College cafe Erasmus University

4.1P Electrophysiology

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