prof.dr. JJP (Justin) Jansen


Justin Jansen is Professor of Corporate Entrepreneurship at Rotterdam School of Management


Professor Jansen is intrigued by the notions of growth, scaling as well as strategic renewal of organizations over time. To persist and pursue sustainable, profitable growth over time. No matter whether organizations are for profit or not, embracing and navigating paradoxical demands are key! Even though many organizations want to grow and make impact to address emergent demands or tackle broader societal challanges, only a small minotiry is able to scale-up successfully. Moreover, many organizations seem to stall or crash over time because of having difficulties to renew and explore novel areas for growth beyond the core. Professor Jansen is fascinated about how organizations may revitalize and develop a futureproof identity that serves as an anchor for building and scaling new initiatives. His research provides new insights into the roles of leadership skills and mindsets of (scale-up) entrepreneurs and senior leadership teams, as well as organizational processes and capabilities driving the scalability and viability of organizations over time.


Based on the impact of his research, professor Jansen has been named as one of the most influential scientific minds worldwide by Thomson Reuters. Regarded as ' Hot Research', the ideas generated by and outcomes of Jansen's work have affected the future of management research in important new ways. Professor Jansen has also been named as one of the top-100 leading professors in the field of entrepreneurship, and noted to be one of the individuals cultivating the leaders of tomorrow. His research on strategic leadership, organizational learning and absorptive capacity, organizational ambidexterity and corporate entrepreneurship has been published in various academic journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Leadership Quarterly, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and Strategic Management Journal. Moreover, his research has received recognition throughout the field and several accolades including the ERIM best paper award, the ERIM best dissertation award, and the SAP best strategy paper. He is a recipient of the Erasmus Research Fellowship. Professor Jansen is currently an associate editor of the Journal of Management Studies and serves on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review and the Strategic Management Journal.


Professor Jansen is cofounder and senior fellow of the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE). This center provides a unique platform that ranges from scholarly insights about (corporate) entrepreneurship and new opportunities, startup campuses for ambitious entrepreneurs, to exciting executive programs for leading and initiating entrepreneurial behaviors within established organizations. Moreover, to create a Pan-European platforms for scholars as well as practitioners to build a world-leading scaleup ecosystem, professor Jansen has initiated the European ScaleUp Institute with renowned partner insitutions across Europe.


Justin Jansen acts as a (research) consultant, speaker, and external advisor to a variety of companies as well as governmental agencies. He has designed and developed workshops as well as management programs about the ability of organizations to identify and initiate novel growth paths, to develop strategic leadership, and to combine seemingly opposing forces such as innovation and operational excellence. Moreover, he has advised governmental agencies on the improvement of the entrepreneurial climate in the Netherlands and on spurring the number of fast-growing organizations.


Together with the Erasmus University, professor Jansen has started a new venture - BuildtoGrow - together with professor Tom Mom, to help and support scaleups and grownups to sustain profitable growth over time. Transforming rigorous research into game-based learning offerings, BuildtoGrow offers game-based assessments and personalized learning journeys for leaders and employees of scaleups and grownups to drive and manage persistent growth over time. 

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Full professor | Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship

More information


  • Tom Mom & Justin Jansen (15 oktober 2021) - Top 250 growth companies in the Netherlands created 50,000 jobs last year
  • Justin Jansen (5 maart 2020) - Erasmus University Rotterdam: Has Once Again Achieved Fastest Growth in Netherlands
  • Justin Jansen (24 januari 2020) - Hoe krijgt Nederland meer Picnics, Adyens en Takeaways? Dit zijn de plannen van prins Constantijn met

  • Justin Jansen (2012) - Academy of Management Review (Journal) (Editor)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic
  • Justin Jansen & Tom Mom (2012) - Unknown event (Participant)
    Activiteit: Attending an event Professional
  • Justin Jansen (2011) - Journal of Management Studies (Journal) (Editor)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic
  • Justin Jansen & Tom Mom (2011) - Unknown event (Participant)
    Activiteit: Attending an event Professional
  • Justin Jansen (2010) - Strategic Management Journal (Journal) (Editor)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic
  • Justin Jansen (2010) - Academy of Management Journal (Journal) (Editor)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic
  • Justin Jansen & Tom Mom (2010) - Unknown event (Participant)
    Activiteit: Attending an event Professional

  • Frans Van Den Bosch, Justin Jansen, Henk Volberda & Ignacio Vaccaro (2009) - Management Innovation and Leadership: The moderating role of organizational size

Achmea NV

Start date approval
november 2019
End date approval
december 9999

BuildtoGrow BV

Start date approval
september 2022
End date approval
september 2025
Aandeelhouder en bestuurder


Start date approval
november 2022
End date approval
oktober 2025
Outreach activities, keynotes, support and advice


Start date approval
november 2022
End date approval
oktober 2025
Executive education

De Ondernemer

Start date approval
november 2022
End date approval
november 2025
Member of the Advisory Board

Corporate Strategy

Year Level
master, IM/CEMS, Exchange, ERIM
Course Code

Strategisch management

bachelor 2
Year Level
bachelor 2
Course Code

SM-B, Strategische Groei

Course Code

  • Michiel Tempelaar

    Organizing for Ambidexterity: Studies on the pursuit of exploration and exploitation through differentiation, integration, contextual and individual attributes
  • Mahmut Ozdemir

    Project-level Governance, Monetary Incentives, and Performance in Strategic R&D Alliances
  • Ignacio Vaccaro

    Management Innovation: Studies on the Role of Internal Change Agents
  • Marc van Essen

    An Institution-Based View of Ownership
  • Michel Lander

    Profits or Professionalism? On designing professional service firms
  • Sergey Osadchiy

    The Dynamics of Formal Organization: Essays on Bureaucracy and Formal Rules
  • Bas Karreman

    Financial Services and Emerging Markets
  • Sebastiaan van Doorn

    Managing Entrepreneurial Orientation
  • Melek Akin Ates

    Purchasing and supply management at the purchase category level: Strategy, structure, and performance
  • Radu Olimpiu Mihalache

    Stimulating Firm Innovativeness: Probing the Interrelations between Managerial and Organizational Determinants
  • Nufer Ates

    The Strategy Process: A Middle Management Perspective
  • Sebastian Fourné

    Managing Organizational Tensions: A Multi-level Perspective on Exploration, Exploitation, and Ambidexterity
  • Maria Rita Micheli

    Business model innovation: a journey across managers’ attention and inter – organizational networks
  • Brigitte Hoogendoorn

    Social Entrepreneurship in the Modern Economy: Warm Glow, Cold Feet
  • Roxana Turturea

    Overcoming Resource Constraints: The Role of Creative Resourcing and Equity Crowdfunding in Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures
  • Pengfei Wang

    Innovation, Status, and Networks
  • Hesam Fasaei

    Changing the Narrative: The Behavioral Effects of Social Evaluations on the Decision Making of Organizations
  • Hester Duursema

    Strategic Leadership: Moving Beyond the Leader-Follower Dyad
  • Saeedeh Ahmadi

    A motivational perspective to decision-making and behavior in organizations
  • Stefan Breet

    A Network Perspective on Corporate Entrepreneurship: How Workplace Relationships Influence Entrepreneurial Behavior
  • Radina Blagoeva

    The Hard Power Of Soft Power: A behavioral strategy perspective on how power, reputation, and status affect firms
  • Kenneth Fernald

    The Waves of Biotechnological Innovation in Medicine: Interfirm Cooperation Effects and a Venture Capital Perspective
  • Jitse Duijsters

    Change in Inter-Organizational Relationship Portfolios and Social Networks in the Context of Corporate Venturing
  • Pepijn van Neerijnen

    The Adaptive Organization: The Socio-Cognitive Antecedents of Ambidexterity and Individual Exploration
  • Christian Fisch

    Patents and trademarks: Motivations, antecedents, and value in industrialized and emerging markets
  • Syed Gilani

    Project Syed Gilani
  • Suzana Varga

    Scale-up DNA: How do fast-growing organizations sustain their growth over time?
  • Mahdi Shahriari

    PhD in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Yassine Lamrani Abou Elassad

    From start-up to scale-up: a multilevel framework on regional- and firm-level aspects that drive fast growth
  • Yuk Shouw/Brian Chung

    Valorizing Innovation through Imaginativeness in Business Venturing
  • Ajlin Dizdarevic

    Corporate-startup collaboration: a new way of organizing to innovate
  • Dana Hanouni

    PhD in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Klementine Klein

    PhD in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Pouya Janghorban

    PhD on community enterprises for sustainability: the roles of social networks

News regarding prof.dr. JJP (Justin) Jansen

Coronapandemie zorgt voor kaalslag onder ‘meer volwassen’ snelgroeiende bedrijven

Het Nederlandse scaleup ecosysteem is het afgelopen jaar met meer dan 10 procent afgenomen. Dit blijkt uit het vandaag gepubliceerde ScaleUp Dashboard 2021.

Klimaat voor snelgroeiende bedrijven in Nederland is verslechterd

Toename in aantal snelgroeiende bedrijven meer dan gehalveerd; minder startups groeien door tot snelgroeiend bedrijf.
Justin Jansen

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