(Julián) JE Naranjo Vasco


Researcher and artist interested in socio-environmental conflicts, art, and education. I have worked on various participatory projects aimed at reconstructing memories and strengthening the self-government of ethnic communities, including indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. I also have designed courses in peacebuilding, gender perspective, and conflict resolution for different audiences in various contexts. 


Currently, my PhD Research focus is the socio-natural relationships surrounding rivers in the Colombian Andes mountains and their transformation in the context of the avocado agroindustry boom. This research involves a critical approach to sustainability discourses in agribusiness and its value chains. As part of this research, I am interested in the design of artistic and participatory methodologies to understand the everyday dynamics of the relations between people and water.

International Institute of Social Studies

External PhD candidate | ISS PhD
Kortenaerkade 12, 's - Gravenhage

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