(Jonathan) J Moniz


I became a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies in 2023. By refusing disciplinary confines I link climate change, Black studies, and International Law in order to study the effects of sustainabilities on communities of color.

My scholarship is shaped by and builds from Black feminists’ scholarship on a wide range of topics, particularly their theoretical foundations and praxis of engagement. This has enabled me to focus my research on disenfranchised/vulnerable communities without compromising their safety and security, evidenced in my previous projects generating visual literacy programs in Portugal and archival research on the early forms of Abolition across United States. These diverse contexts, experiences and conversations coalesced in the form of my previous master work "Decoding the West's Relationship to the Environment : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Reductionism in International Legal Conventions on the Environment".

The findings derived from this study frame my current project: Recharting Environments and Being across the African Diaspora.

International Institute of Social Studies

External PhD candidate | ISS PhD
Kortenaerkade 12, 's - Gravenhage

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