Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Visiting fellow | Department of Marketing Management
More information
- Joelle Vanhamme, V Swaen, Guido Berens & C Janssen (2014) - Playing with fire: aggravating and buffering effects of ex ante CSR communication campaigns for companies facing allegations of social irresponsibility - Marketing Letters, 26 (4), 565-578 - doi: 10.1007/s11002-014-9290-5 - [link]
- A Lindgreen, Joelle Vanhamme, Erik van Raaij & WJ Johnston (2013) - Go Configure: The Mix of Purchasing Practices to Choose for Your Supply Base - California Management Review, 55 (2), 72-96 - doi: 10.1525/cmr.2013.55.2.72 - [link]
- Stefano Puntoni, Joelle Vanhamme & R Visscher (2012) - Strategic ambiguity in minority targeting - RSM Insight, 10 (2), 15-17 - [link]
- Stefano Puntoni, Joelle Vanhamme & R Visscher (2011) - Two Birds and One Stone: Purposeful Polysemy in Minority Targeting and Advertising Evaluations - Journal of Advertising, 40 (1), 25-41 - doi: 10.2753/JOA0091-3367400102 - [link]
- A Lindgreen, M Hingley & Joelle Vanhamme (2010) - Controversies in Food and Agricultural Marketing
- A Lindgreen, Joelle Vanhamme & Michael Beverland (2010) - Memorable Consumer Experiences: A Research Anthology
- Joelle Vanhamme & B Grobben (2009) - Too good to be true!: The Effectiveness of CSR History in Countering Negative Publicity - Journal of Business Ethics, 85 (suppl.2), 273-283 - doi: 10.1007/s10551-008-9731-2 - [link]
- Joelle Vanhamme (2008) - La relation surprise-ravissement revisitée à l'aune du marketing expérientiel - Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 23 (3), 113-140
- Joelle Vanhamme & JPM de Bont (2008) - "Surprise Gift" purchases: Customer insights from the small electrical appliances market - Journal of Retailing, 84 (3), 354-369 - doi: 10.1016/j.jretai.2008.06.003 - [link]
- Angela Dobele, A Lindgreen, Michael Beverland & Joelle Vanhamme (2008) - Viral marketing