dr. J (Jana) Vietze


Jana Vietze is an Assistant Professor in the Educational Sciences team at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She obtained her Ph.D. in Psychology (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2019) by investigating the role of parents, peers, and school for youths' cultural belonging, well-being, and school adjustment. 

Her current research concerns cultural diversity and inclusion in education and development. More specifically, she focusses on how minoritized children and youth (and their peers) experience cultural socialization messages, changes in belonging, well-being, and academic adjustment from early to late adolescence. Jana combines qualitative methods and quantitative methods, ranging from quasi-experimental research to intensive longitudinal data analysis. Furthermore, she combines perspectives from developmental psychology, inclusive education, and cross-cultural psychology.

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Assistant professor | Educational Sciences


  • J (Jana) Vietze (12 december 2021) - #Ibelong talks

  • Rinotha Senathirajah, Jana Vietze & Marieke Meeuwisse (2023) - Offline versus online learning environments: Exploring cultural minority student and teacher perceptions of inclusiveness in higher education. (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • J (Jana) Vietze, Miriam Schwarzenthal & Moin Syed (2021) - (Re)Searching Diversity Podcast - Episode 'Moin Syed: Identity narratives' (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Professional
  • J (Jana) Vietze, M (Marieke) Meeuwisse, SGA (Sanne) van Herpen, AS (Aike) Dias - Broens, RM (Reinhilde) Pulinx & SE (Sabine) Severiens (2021) - Predicting diverse students’ self selection from higher education: A systematic review (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • J (Jana) Vietze, M (Marieke) Meeuwisse, J (Joran) Jongerling, Rinotha Senathirajah & Regina Sutrisno (2021) - The student-curriculum interplay: Diverse content in instructional materials and student performance (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • J (Jana) Vietze, Miriam Schwarzenthal, Ursula Moffitt & Sauro Civitillo (2021) - Immigrant background? Deconstructing ascribed and self-reported labels through comparative analysis (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • J (Jana) Vietze, Miriam Schwarzenthal & Linda Juang (2021) - (Re)Searching Diversity Podcast - Episode 'Linda Juang: Racial-ethnic socialization' (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Professional
  • J (Jana) Vietze, S (Sabrina) Alhanachi, Miriam Schwarzenthal, Sharleen Pevec, Tuğçe Aral & Zeynep Demir (2021) - (Re)Searching Diversity Podcast (Participant)
    Activiteit: Other Professional

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Start date approval
september 2023
End date approval
september 2026
Vennootschap Onder Firma

1.1C Introduct. to Pedagogical Sciences

Course Code

2.3C Coordination Development & Educat.

Course Code

Course Code

News regarding dr. J (Jana) Vietze

The Identity Podcast Intervention - Supporting Students in Navigating their Social, Professional and Academic Identities

⏳ | CLI Fellow Jana Vietze onderzoekt het effect van de Identity Podcast Intervention.
Jana Vietze

(Re)Searching Diversity: de podcast die een stem geeft aan inspirerende sociale wetenschappers

Lees meer over het project van Jana Vietze en hoe het studenten en onderzoekers wil verbinden in een inclusieve en innovatieve leeromgeving.

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