(Jan) J Dul


Jan Dul is a professor of technology and human factors at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). His research focuses on human factors (ergonomics) and, in particular, the interaction between people and the physical and social environment. His research contributes to the design of successful products and services, and the development of work environements for high performance (creativity, innovation, productivity, quality, health and safety) to maximise business performance and human well-being. He has a special interest in empirical research methodology, in particular Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA). Professor Dul is currently chairman of the special interest group Innovation of the European Academy of Management. He is on the editorial board of a number of academic journals and was member of advisory boards of various associations, agencies and institutes, He is a regular speaker at management events worldwide and has shared his insights with over 50 companies including on how to make companies more innovative by creating work environments that facilitate employee creativity. Before joining RSM, Professor Dul held a number of senior positions in the (semi) public sector. He was head of the Department of Innovation at the Netherlands Institute for Work and Employment; head of the Department of Posture and Movement Research at the TNO Institute of Preventive Health Care, Leiden; an Ergonomics Researcher at the Department of Working Conditions, the TNO Institute of Preventive Health Care, Leiden. He has also held positions at the Twente University of Technology in the Netherlands; Vanderbilt University in the USA; and the Foundation for Ergonomic Technology in the Netherlands.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Professor emeritus | Department of Technology and Operations Management
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

More information


  • Jan Dul (1 januari 2009) - "Werkplek stimulerend middel voor creativiteit". Weekblad facultair & gebouwenbeheer, nummer 181(34), 34-35.
  • Jan Dul (1 januari 2008) - “Goede arbeidsomstandigheden betalen zich terug”, interview in Safety! 1(5), 8-10
  • Jan Dul (1 januari 2008) - “Stimuleert de werkplek Creativiteit? Wetenschappers ontwikkelen checklist”, interview in Inside Information, vakblad voor kantoor- en projectinrichting en (interieur)architectuur 1, 12-13
  • Jan Dul (1 januari 2008) - Aanpak van mens, organisatie en techniek. Ergonomie, Arbo, 20, 45-47
  • Jan Dul (1 januari 2007) - "Oude camper is de beste werkplek", Het Financieel Dagblad, December 7, p5
  • Jan Dul (1 januari 2004) - Interview on physical ergonomics for Swiss Radio DRS2 Aktuell, July 15, 2004

  • Jan Dul (2018) - From idea to paper
  • Jan Dul (2018) - Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA)
  • Jan Dul (2018) - Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA)
  • Zsofia Toth & Jan Dul (2018) - Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA)
  • Jan Dul, Stefan Breet & Henk Rhee (2018) - 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
  • Jan Dul (2018) - Master Tutorial at the 2018 Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
  • Jan Dul (2017) - Complementing NCA with QCA
  • Zsofia Toth & Jan Dul (2017) - Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA)
  • Jan Dul & S Hauff (2017) - Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA)
  • Jan Dul (2017) - Necessary Condition Analysis

  • JYF (Finn) Wynstra, R (Robert) Suurmond & J (Jan) Dul (2020) - Journal of Supply Chain Best Empirical Paper Award
  • Jan Dul (2016) - Oevre award of Human Factors NL
  • Jan Dul (2015) - Hal W. Hendrick Distinguished International Colleague Award
  • Jan Dul (2015) - International Ergonomics Association Distinguished Service Award
  • Jan Dul (2014) - 2013 Liberty Mutual Award
  • Jan Dul (2013) - Liberty Mutual Award 2013 ("International Accolades for Inspiring Research" by Kevin Titman, RSM Outlook, Summer 2013, p16)
  • René de Koster, Kees-Jan Roodbergen, Jan Dul & Jose Larco Martinelli (2008) - Best paper award TRAIL 2008

  • Jose Larco Martinelli

    Incorporating Worker-Specific Factors in Operations Management Models
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    Buyer-Seller Interaction Patterns During Ongoing Service Exchange
  • Nick van der Meulen

    The Distance Dilemma; The effect of flexible working practices on performance in the digital workplace
  • Jelle de Vries

    Behavioral Operations in Logistics
  • Christina Wessels

    Flexible Working Practices: How Employees Can Reap the Benefits for Engagement and Performance
  • Robert Suurmond

    In Pursuit of Supplier Knowledge: Leveraging capabilities and dividing responsibilities in product and service contexts
  • Henk van Rhee

    Optimizing work environments at small companies for business performance and employee well-being: Ability, motivation, and opportunity to do so and the role of governments
  • Ainara Novales

    Thriving with Digitized Products: How firms leverage their generative capacity via experimentation, learning, and collaboration
  • Stefan Breet

    A Network Perspective on Corporate Entrepreneurship: How Workplace Relationships Influence Entrepreneurial Behavior

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