prof.dr. I (Inge) Hutter


Prof Inge Hutter is professor of Participatory and Qualitative Research in Population and Development at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). She is a cultural anthropologist and demographer by training and conducted qualitative research (anthropology) within a quantitative discipline (demography). She focuses on issues of culture and health and supervised more than 20 PhD researchers in this field, with fieldwork in Asia (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Japan), African (Malawi, Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania), Latin America (Colombia) and Europe (Netherlands, Kosovo).

The qualitative research projects were basis for the co-authored Sage book, Qualitative Research Methods, by Hennink, Hutter and Bailey (2011). The second edition in 2020 adds two more chapters on the participatory (action) approach to qualitative research and is co-authored with Christine Fenenga. The chapters include several examples of participatory projects leading to co-created interventions that were either community-based, citizens-based or inhabitants-based.

Inge Hutter was rector / dean of the ISS from 2015-2023. Since 2021 she is Academic Lead / Ambassador on the Erasmian Values (being societally engaged, open-minded, connecting, entrepreneurial and global citizenship) in relationship to leadership & organizational culture in the EUR Strategy 2024/25 ‘Creating positive societal impact’.

Inge is trained in several leadership styles through courses and workshops in: academic leadership (Leeuwendaal 2007); connecting leadership (Phoenix 2014); professional communication from systemic work perspective (3 years, Phoenix, 2017-20); value-driven leadership, 2021): transformative leadership (Latitude, 2021); and Theory-U (one week, Berlin June 2023). 


International Institute of Social Studies

Full professor | Academic staff unit

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  • Inge Hutter (1997) - Unknown event (Participant)
    Activiteit: Attending an event Academic

News regarding prof.dr. I (Inge) Hutter

Prof.dr. Inge Hutter: "Ik ben geen voorstander van kennis alleen voor de kennis produceren"

Ze is de personificatie van de Erasmiaanse waarden en daarom aangesteld als ambassadeur en academic lead binnen de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
Inge Hutter kijkt in de camera.

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