dr. (Guido) GAJM Berens


Guido Berens is Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He obtained Master degrees in both Psychology and Philosophy from Radboud University Nijmegen (1998 and 1999), and a PhD in Management from Erasmus University (2004). His teaching interests include (corporate) communication, corporate social responsibility, and quantitative research methods. His research has been published in the Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Marketing, Long Range Planning, and the Journal of Business Ethics, among others.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Assistant professor | Department of Business-Society Management
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

More information


  • Guido Berens (2017) - Corporate Reputation Review (Journal)

Palgrave Macmillan

Start date approval
september 2021
End date approval
september 2024
Editor-in-chief Corporate Reputation Review

  • Yijing Wang

    Corporate Reputation Management: Reaching Out to Financial Stakeholders
  • Silviu Horia Tierean

    Mind the Gap: The role of psychic distance and supplier’s reputation in international buyer-supplier relationships
  • Viktor Koritarov

    The Integration of Crisis Communication and Regulatory Focus: Deconstructing and Optimizing the Corporate Message
  • Miriam Pocock

    Status Inequalities in Business Exchange Relations in Luxury Markets
  • Liselotte Dijkstra

    Psychiatric symptoms and decision making across the life span of the general
  • Mana Saki

    Open PhD project in Business Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability (ERS)
  • Francesco Lovecchio

    The reputation of public sector organizations: The role of uncertainty, polarization of stakeholders’ demands, and multiple tasks. Implications for a bureaucratic reputation theory and reputation management
  • Ahmed Gaara

    Developing and testing ethical principles for public relations professionals
  • Tristan Hahn

    Parttime PhD programme
  • Liselotte Dijkstra

    What´s next? Dealing with upcoming organizational reputation drivers from a complexity theory perspective

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