prof.dr. G (Guido) Baltussen


Guido Baltussen is Professor in Finance (Chair: Behavioral Finance and Financial Markets) and a full Tinbergen and ERIM (high performance) fellow. His expertise is investments and incorporating Behavioral Finance into investment processes, with research focusing on the boundaries of Behavioral Finance and Asset Pricing, Investments, Portfolio Construction and Individual Investor or Firm Decision Making. Guido has published several articles in the leading economic and finance journals (e.g. American Economic Review, Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis) and his research is covered in various media such as the Wall Street Journal, America Today, Bloomberg News, MoneyWeek, and more. Guido also works at Robeco Asset Management, managing several quantitative investment teams and strategies. Before he obtained his PhD in Finance at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and was visiting at Stern School of Business of New York University, New York, USA. 

Erasmus School of Economics

Full professor | Finance


  • Guido Baltussen (27 mei 2022) - Your stock portfolio didn't have to lose so much this year
  • Guido Baltussen (5 maart 2019) - All risk, no premia?
  • Guido Baltussen (5 maart 2019) - All risk, no premia?
  • Guido Baltussen & Laurens Swinkels (18 februari 2019) - Weekly Top 5 Papers – February 18, 2019

Northern Trust Asset Management

Start date approval
januari 2024
End date approval
december 2026
Managing Director

Seminar Behavioural Investing

Course Code

  • Frederik Muskens

    Corporate bond asset pricing
  • Bart van Vliet

    Essays in Empirical Finance

News regarding prof.dr. G (Guido) Baltussen

Hoe tijdrovend werk leidde tot inzichten op basis van 150 jaar aan data

Een door hoogleraar Guido Baltussen geleid team heeft een dataset geconstrueerd die gebruikt kan worden om economisch onderzoek uit te voeren.

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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