Giorgio Touburg is an external PhD researcher at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).
He is writing a dissertation on the double hermeneutic of organization and management theory. He has a background in sociology (urban studies), obtaining both his bachelor’s and master’s degree from Erasmus University. Giorgio is currently employed as a lecturer in qualitative methods at VU University Amsterdam.
He has conducted and coordinated research on a variety of topics, including knowledge migration, radicalization and cultural differences at work. He has also taught on a number of different topics, ranging from urban sociology and globalization to organizational sociology and cross-cultural management.
At RSM, Giorgio has taught and coordinated a course on cross-cultural management and lectured about Dutch culture. Giorgio has published articles and book reviews in both Dutch and international peer-reviewed journals.
In addition to his PhD work and his work at the VU, Giorgio occasionally writes op-ed pieces and columns.
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
More information
- Irene van Oorschot, Giorgio Touburg, Alexander Strelkov & Gabriele Jacobs (2024) - Grounds for Cooperation in the Radicalisation Governance Milieu?: A Qualitative Exploration of Stakeholder Issue Frames of Online Radicalisation - Perspectives on Terrorism, 18 (3), 135-151 - doi: 10.19165/2024.7550
- Giorgio Touburg (2024) - Mobilizing Myth in Management: A Literature Review - [link]
- Giorgio Touburg (2016) - National Habitus: An Antidote to the Resilience of Hofstede’s ‘National Culture’? - Journal of Organizational Change Management, 29 (1), 81-92 - doi: 10.1108/JOCM-11-2015-0219 - [link]
- Jack Burgers & Giorgio Touburg (2013) - International Mobility of Professional Knowledge from the Global South: Indian IT Workers in the Netherlands - Global networks : a journal of transnational affairs, 13 (4), 517-534 - doi: 10.1111/glob.12012 - [link]
- Giorgio Touburg (2018) - Talking Globalisation into Being - [link]
- Giorgio Touburg (10 april 2018) - ‘Docent = eikel’, universiteiten klaar met snoeiharde studentenkritiek
- Giorgio Touburg (13 maart 2017) - Welbespraakte PVV’ers en intolerante hoogopgeleiden.
- Giorgio Touburg (22 februari 2017) - Reacties op motie Duisenberg: ‘Er heerst een verstikkende consensus op de universiteit’.
- Giorgio Touburg (19 februari 2016) - Driemaal Scheepsrecht: de gelukkige Rotterdammer?
- Giorgio Touburg (1 december 2014) - Meer geluk dankzij de GGZ
- Giorgio Touburg (16 september 2014) - Investeren in GGZ verhoogt geluk
- Giorgio Touburg (11 augustus 2014) - Greater Budget Share for Mental Health Related to Greater Happiness
- Giorgio Touburg (30 januari 2013) - 'Ik beloof niet te frauderen'
- Giorgio Touburg (1 december 2011) - Curaçaose studenten blijven plakken
- Giorgio Touburg (2022) - RSM STAR Case Competition (Participant)
Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Professional - Giorgio Touburg (2018) - Workshop on the (business) culture of the Netherlands (Invited speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Professional - Giorgio Touburg (2017) - Social and Cultural Geography (Journal) (Reviewer)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Giorgio Touburg (2017) - BMJ Open (Journal) (Reviewer)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Giorgio Touburg (2017) - BMC Public Health (Journal) (Reviewer)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Giorgio Touburg (2016) - 10-minute presentation of my JOCM article for a lay audience (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Popular - Giorgio Touburg (2016) - Presentation on the influence of Hofstede's 'national culture' (Invited speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Academic - Giorgio Touburg (2016) - 10-minute presentation of my JOCM article for a lay audience (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Popular - Giorgio Touburg (2016) - International Journal of Contemporary Management: Best Paper Award Committee (Participant)
Activiteit: Other › Academic - Giorgio Touburg (2016) - 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2016 (Event) (Reviewer)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic