Prof. dr. Ferry Koster is Full Professor of Work and Institutions: Technological and Social Innovation at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
His research focuses on work and organizations and who this related to the use of technologies, knowledge-intensification, and human resource policies, as well as the outcomes of these issues in terms of organizational performance and innovation.
Currently, he is one of the theme leads of the SSH-breed program Digitalisation, new ways of working and the new employee (NWW)
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Full professor | Management and Organisation
More information
- E. Deelen, F. L.B. Meijboom, T. J. Tobias, F. Koster, J. W. Hesselink & T. B. Rodenburg (2023) - Handling End-of-Life Situations in Small Animal Practice: What Strategies do Veterinarians Contemplate During their Decision-Making Process? - Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science - doi: 10.1080/10888705.2023.2268516 - [link]
- Alissa Lysanne Van Zijl, Brenda Vermeeren, Ferry Koster & Bram Steijn (2023) - Functional diversity and team innovation: A study on the mediating role of social cohesion in primary care teams - Health Care Management Review, 48 (3), 229-236 - doi: 10.1097/HMR.0000000000000369 - [link]
- Ellen Deelen, Franck L.B. Meijboom, Tijs J. Tobias, Ferry Koster, Jan Willem Hesselink & T. Bas Rodenburg (2023) - Considering life and death: a qualitative vignette study among farm animal veterinarians in the Netherlands on considerations in end-of-life decision-making - Frontiers in Animal Science, 4 - doi: 10.3389/fanim.2023.1163062 - [link]
- Ferry Koster (2023) - Op naar de 100 - Mens en Maatschappij, 98 (1), 1-2 - doi: 10.5117/mem2023.1.001.kost - [link]
- Ferry Koster (2023) - Governing labor market risks - Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 14 (1), 3-25 - doi: 10.14267/cjssp.2023.1.1 - [link]
- Ferry Koster (2023) - Emerging trends of Global Value Chains and Multinational Enterprises in the pandemic time
- Ferry Koster (2023) - Trends and drivers of global value chains and the role of MNEs in the recent wave of globalisation
- Ferry Koster (2022) - Platformisering van de economie: Gevolgen voor organisaties - Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 38 (4), 601-627 - doi: 10.5117/TVA2022.4.009.KOST
- Ferry Koster (2022) - A knowledge-intensity-based collaborative community governing mechanism for inter-organisational HR collaborations - Journal of Work-Applied Management, 14 (2), 288-301 - doi: 10.1108/JWAM-09-2021-0054 - [link]
- Ineke Maas, Lonneke van den Berg, Nella Geurts, Ferry Koster, Lonneke van Noije & Inge Sieben (2022) - 100 jaar sociologie in Nederland: wat bracht het ons? - Mens en Maatschappij, 97 (3), 243-245 - doi: 10.5117/mem2022.3.001.maas - [link]
- Alissa van Zijl, Brenda Vermeeren, Ferry Koster & Bram Steijn (2022) - It is the autonomous team that makes professionals thrive
- Ferry Koster (2022) - Organizations in the knowledge economy. An investigation of knowledge-intensive work practices across 28 European countries - Journal of Advances in Management Research, 20 (1), 140-159 - doi: 10.1108/JAMR-05-2021-0176 - [link]
- Yuri Scharp, Claartje ter Hoeven, Arnold Bakker, Marjan Gorgievski, Laura den Dulk & Ferry Koster (2022) - Samenhang van platformwerk met werkomstandigheden en welzijn - Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 38 (4), 580-600 - doi: 10.5117/TVA2022.4.008.SCHA
- Ellen Deelen, Franck L.B. Meijboom, Tijs J. Tobias, Ferry Koster, Jan Willem Hesselink & T. Bas Rodenburg (2022) - The views of farm animal veterinarians about their roles and responsibilities associated with on-farm end-of-life situations - Frontiers in Animal Science, 3 - doi: 10.3389/fanim.2022.949080 - [link]
- Ferry Koster (2021) - Knowledge management and innovation performance a mediated-moderation model - International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 19 (2) - doi: 10.1142/s021987702250002x - [link]
- Ferry Koster (2021) - Organisational antecedents of innovation performance: An analysis across 32 european countries - International Journal of Innovation Management, 25 (4) - doi: 10.1142/S1363919621500377 - [link]
- Conny Roobol, H Pruijt, Ferry Koster & F Leijten (2021) - Developmental proactivity and professional ability as older workers’ employability resources: A longitudinal study explaining career events - International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 16 (2), 64-88 - [link]
- Ferry Koster (2021) - Organizing for autonomy: A combined contingency and agency perspective - Dynamic Relationships Management Journal - [link]
- Ferry Koster & F Dekker (2019) - Mens en Maatschappij (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Ferry Koster (2018) - Netspar (External organisation) (Member)
Activiteit: Membership of committee › Academic - Ferry Koster (2017) - Mens en Maatschappij (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - P Wiepking & Ferry Koster (2011) - Effects of public and private social expenditures on individual wellbeing: a cross-national study (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Ferry Koster (2009) - American Journal of Political Science (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Ferry Koster (2009) - European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Ferry Koster (2009) - Journal of European Social Policy (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Ferry Koster (2009) - Journal of Quantitative Criminology (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Ferry Koster (2009) - Social Forces (print) (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Ferry Koster (2006) - Sociologie (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic
- Ferry Koster, K. Sanders, M. Zwiers & Mattijs Lambooij (2005) - Effects of consistent human resource practices on organizational performance
Mens en Maatschappij
- Start date approval
- januari 2024
- End date approval
- januari 2027
- Place
- Description
- Lid redactieraad
- Start date approval
- september 2024
- End date approval
- september 2027
- Place
4.3 Master's Thesis
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWS576
1.4C Research Project
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ESSB-SPM1011
4.2 HRM in the publ. sec: Capita Selec
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWBM-6085A
4.2 HRM in the publ. sec: Capita Selecta
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWBM-6085
3.3 Onderzoek in de Praktijk
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ESSB-S3030
4.1 Governing Organizations
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWS-410
4.1 Politics of work and technology
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSW-122
4.1 Governing Social Risks
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWS-430