Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Researcher | Youth and Family
More information
- Eline Doelman (2025) - How to turn the tide?: Family perspectives on the results of child protection
- Eline H J Doelman, Maartje P C M Luijk, Frank C P van der Horst & Majone J Steketee (2024) - Child Maltreatment in Families Receiving Mandatory Versus Voluntary Child Protection Support: A Matched Cohort Study - Child and Family Social Work - doi: 10.1111/cfs.13209 - [link]
- Eline H.J. Doelman, Frank C.P. van der Horst, Maartje P.C.M. Luijk & Majone J. Steketee (2024) - Parents' perspectives on the results of mandatory child protection support: A qualitative study - Child and Family Social Work, 29 (4), 928-938 - doi: 10.1111/cfs.13144 - [link]
- Eline H.J. Doelman, Maartje P.C.M. Luijk, Ineke Haen Marshall, Joran Jongerling, Dirk Enzmann & Majone J. Steketee (2021) - The association between child maltreatment and juvenile delinquency in the context of Situational Action Theory: Crime propensity and criminogenic exposure as mediators in a sample of European youth? - European Journal of Criminology - doi: 10.1177/14773708211013300 - [link]
- EHJ (Eline) Doelman, Katinka Lünnemann & MJ (Majone) Steketee (2022) - Kennisatelier Aanpakken kindermishandeling, een kwestie van lange adem? (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Professional - EHJ (Eline) Doelman & MJ (Majone) Steketee (2021) - Het effectief beschermen van kinderen - wat is de stand van zaken van het onderzoek en welke inzichten heeft het al opgeleverd. (Speaker)
Activiteit: Invited talk › Professional