dr. C (Carlo) Cavicchia


Carlo Cavicchia, an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the Econometric Institute of Erasmus University Rotterdam, focuses his research on the methodological and computational aspects of data analysis, including latent variable models, unsupervised classification, and model-based composite indicators. He teaches statistics and data science courses at both graduate and undergraduate levels and supervises MSc and BSc theses in Econometrics, Statistics, and Data Science. Carlo is part of the sector plan SSH Breed (Theme 4: Digital decision support).

He serves as the IASC data analysis competition officer (2023-2025) and has held positions such as National board member (2021-2022) and National coordinator of y-SIS (2022). As an active member of the academic community, Carlo reviews for several statistics journals and has organized conferences like DSSV 2020 and DSSV-ECDA 2021. He also participates in program committees for conferences including CLADAG-VOC 2025, CLADAG 2023, IES 2023, IES 2022, and SIS 2022.

In 2024, Carlo Cavicchia was awarded the IFCS Chikio Hayashi award.

Erasmus School of Economics

Assistant professor | Econometrics

More information


  • Carlo Cavicchia (2025) - CLADAG-VOC 2025 (Member of programme committee)
    Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2025) - IES 2025: Innovation & Society: Statistics and Data Science for Evaluation and Quality (Member of programme committee)
    Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2025) - Statistics and Computing (Journal) (Reviewer)
    Activiteit: Publication Peer-review Academic
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2024) - University of Naples Federico II (Visiting researcher)
    Activiteit: Visiting an external academic institution Academic
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2024) - 18th conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (Invited speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2024) - SIS 2024: 52nd Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (Invited speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2024) - Convex Clustering of Mixed Numerical and Categorical Data (Invited speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2024) - Journal of Computational Social Science (Journal) (Reviewer)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2024) - Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development (Journal) (Reviewer)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2024) - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology (Journal) (Reviewer)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic

  • Carlo Cavicchia (2025) - ISI Elected Membership
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2024) - IFCS Chikio Hayashi Award
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2023) - ESE Starter grant
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2023) - National Qualification for Associate Professor (Italy, ASN II Fascia) in Statistics (SC 13/D1)
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2017) - Research Grant for Junior Researcher "Avvio alla ricerca"
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2017) - Award in Stats under the Starts
  • Carlo Cavicchia (2016) - PhD scholarship (3 years)

Applied Statistics 2

Course Code

Applied Statistics 2

Course Code

  • Marten Jan Christiaan Soer

    PhD position at the Department of Econometrics

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen