Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
Lecturer | Department of Arts and Culture Studies
More information
- Blaz Remic (2022) - The Behavioral Economics of Social Interaction: Incentives, Intrinsic Motivation, and Value Learning
- B (Blaz) Remic (2021) - Three accounts of intrinsic motivation in economics: a pragmatic choice? - Journal of Economic Methodology, 29 (2), 124-139 - doi: 10.1080/1350178X.2021.1952291 - [link]
- Blaz Remic (2021) - Environment as a resource, not a constraint - Journal of Contextual Economics, 141 (1-2), 85-107 - doi: 10.3790/schm.141.1-2.85
- Blaz Remic (2020) - Review of Vernon L. Smith and Bart J. Wilson’s Humanomics: Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations for the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 215 pp. - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (EJPE), 12 (2), 118-134 - doi: 10.23941/ejpe.v12i2.456 - [link]
- Erwin Dekker, Blaz Remic & Carolina Dalla Chiesa (2020) - Incentives matter, but what do they mean? Understanding the meaning of market coordination - Review of Political Economy, 32 (2), 163-179 - doi: 10.1080/09538259.2019.1628341 - [link]
- Erwin Dekker & Blaz Remic (2019) - Two types of ecological rationality: or how to best combine psychology and economics - Journal of Economic Methodology, 26 (4), 291-306 - doi: 10.1080/1350178X.2018.1560486 - [link]
- Blaz Remic (2017) - Toward an institutional theory of intrinsic motivation
- Erwin Dekker & Blaz Remic (2017) - Ecological rationality: A conceptual history