dr. A (Asya) Pisarevskaya


Asya Pisarevskaya is Assistant Professor of Migration and Diversity Governance. Currently, she studies migration-related diversities and modes of governance in European cities. She is a lecturer and thesis supervisor in an international Master Programme "Governance of Migration and Diveristy".  She is lead-researcher and manager of 'Rotterdam Inclusivity Project' that explores patterns of discrimination in the city of Rotterdam. She also currently researches how mid-sized cities in the Netherlands deal with local migration realities.

In the past she was involved in Horizon-funded project SprINg 'Sustainable Practices for newly arrived migrants', in which knowledge on integration policies and practices is made more accessible for practitioners.she was a project manager of the international Horizon 2020-funded project “CrossMigration” which created a global online library of migration research. During this project she explored how migration studies have developed over time as a scientific field.

Her wider research interests lie in the realm of comparative migration and diversity studies, integration policies and labour market participation of refugees. Dr. Pisarevskaya has obtained her PhD in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research at the University of Milan and the University of Turin (Italy). Her dissertation explored the role of policies in labour market integration of humanitarian migrants through a comparative study of seven European countries in the period of 1990-2008.

Keywords: integration policies, labour market integration, comparative analysis, migration-related diversity, migration governance

Sleutelwoorden: integratiebeleid, arbeidsmarktintegratie, vergelijkende analyse, migratie gerelateerde diversiteit, bestuur van migratie

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Assistant professor | Policy, Politics and Society


  • Asya Pisarevskaya (21 januari 2024) - Essay: een economisch kompas voor arbeidsmigratie
  • Asya Pisarevskaya (29 december 2023) - Research on mid-size cities and migration

  • Asya Pisarevskaya (2023) - Engaged Students for Inclusive Cities (Organiser)
    Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event Professional
  • Asya Pisarevskaya (2023) - Cities of Migration: Understanding of the diversity of urban diversities in Europe (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Asya Pisarevskaya (2023) - Bruggen bouwen naar een effectieve integratie-infrastructuur (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Professional
  • Asya Pisarevskaya (2023) - Local assistance and support infrastructure for newly arrived migrants: pitfalls and possibilities (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Asya Pisarevskaya (2023) - Mapping migration-relation diversity and discrimination in European Cities (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Asya Pisarevskaya (2023) - Gülce Safak Özdemir (Host)
    Activiteit: Hosting an academic visitor Academic
  • Asya Pisarevskaya (2023) - Cities of Migration: Towards a better understanding of the diversity of urban diversities in Europe (book in progress) (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Asya Pisarevskaya (2023) - Pompeu Fabra University (Visiting researcher)
    Activiteit: Visiting an external academic institution Academic
  • Asya Pisarevskaya (2022) - DPAS Ethics Committee (External organisation) (Member)
    Activiteit: Membership of committee Academic
  • Asya Pisarevskaya (2022) - Public Administration (Organisational unit) (Member)
    Activiteit: Membership of council Academic
  • Asya Pisarevskaya (2018) - IMISCOE Research Network (External organisation) (Member)
    Activiteit: Membership of network Academic

2.3 International Migration

Course Code

4.3 Designing Migration Policy Research

Course Code

4.1 Governance of Migration & Diversity

Course Code

4.4 Thesis Research

Course Code

News regarding dr. A (Asya) Pisarevskaya

Wetenschappelijke kennis over de integratie van migranten dichter bij de praktijk

De SprINg-bewijsbank helpt beleidsmakers, dienstverleners en pleitbezorgers die met migranten werken om hun beleid en praktijken beter te onderbouwen.
Mensen op een groente-en fruitmarkt

Horizon 2020 subsidie voor project: Duurzame praktijken van integratie

Dr. Asya Pisarevskaya, dr. William Voorberg en prof. dr. Peter Scholten van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam nemen deel aan een nieuw gesubsidieerd Horizon

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