**Arwin van Buuren is Full Professor of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam.** Arwin (1980) is the Director of the Department of Public Administration and Sociology at EUR. He is the founder and Academic Director of the Erasmus Governance Design Studio. This studio is involved in a variety of experimental design-oriented research projects and works on developing a proven design methodology for public administration. Arwin is also the initiator and Academic Director of GovLab010, a collaboration between the EUR and the City of Rotterdam, with the ambition to help the city to deal with complex governance challenges in an engaged, solution-oriented way.
For the EUR he also fulfills the role of Academic Lead for two strategic projects. The first project is Evaluating Societal Impact, a project on enhancing and fostering the impact strategy at all levels within EUR. The second project is Impact at the Core, a program on making our education more impact-driven.
His research interests are on issues of (co-)design for policy and governance, invitational governance and self-organization, collaborative governance and co-creation, policy innovation and institutional change. Arwin gives frequently advice to local, regional and national governments and is often asked to give lectures for professional audiences.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
More information
- Hans Joosse, Lizet Kuitert, Geert Brinkman & Arwin van Buuren (2023) - Werken op de grens: Over het belang van grenzen bij integrerend werken - [link]
- Jannes J. Willems, Lizet Kuitert & Arwin Van Buuren (2023) - Policy integration in urban living labs: delivering multifunctional blue-green infrastructure in Antwerp, Dordrecht and Gothenburg: Delivering multi-functional blue-green infrastructure in Antwerp, Dordrecht, and Gothenburg - Environmental Policy and Governance, 33 (3), 258-271 - doi: 10.1002/eet.2028 - [link]
- Steven Blok, Arwin van Buuren & Menno Fenger (2023) - The Public Value of Citizens’ Initiatives: Evidence from a Dutch Municipality - American Review of Public Administration, 53 (7-8), 263-279 - doi: 10.1177/02750740231175162 - [link]
- Ingmar van Meerkerk, Warda Belabas, Thomas van den Kieboom, Yannick Drijfhout & Arwin van Buuren (2023) - Midelland en de meerwaarde van co-creatie: Opbrengsten en lessen van het programma mooi mooier middelland
- Hans Joosse, Lizet Kuitert, Geert Brinkman & Arwin van Buuren (2023) - Voorbij de som der delen: Acht lessen voor integrerend werken bij het maken van een beleidsvisie - [link]
- Geert Brinkman, Arwin van Buuren, William Voorberg & Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer (2023) - Making way for design thinking in the public sector: a taxonomy of strategies - Policy Design and Practice, 6 (3), 241-265 - doi: 10.1080/25741292.2023.2199958 - [link]
- Jannes J. Willems, Michael Duijn, Stéphanie IJff, Jeroen Veraart, Nienke Nuesink, Gerald Jan Ellen & Arwin van Buuren (2023) - The lifecycle of public value creation: Eroding public values in the Dutch Marker Wadden project - Public Money and Management, 43 (2), 116-125 - doi: 10.1080/09540962.2021.1896557 - [link]
- Jitske van Popering-Verkerk, Astrid Molenveld, Michael Duijn, Corniel van Leeuwen & Arwin van Buuren (2022) - A Framework for Governance Capacity: A Broad Perspective on Steering Efforts in Society - Administration and Society, 54 (9), 1767-1794 - doi: 10.1177/00953997211069932 - [link]
- Lizet Kuitert & Arwin van Buuren (2022) - Delivering Blue-Green Infrastructure: Innovation Pathways for Integrating Multiple Values - Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4 - doi: 10.3389/frsc.2022.885951 - [link]
- Steven Blok, Menno Fenger & Arwin van Buuren (2022) - Stimulating civic behavior? The paradoxes of incentivising self-organization - Local Government Studies, 49 (5), 888-907 - doi: 10.1080/03003930.2022.2087061 - [link]
- Jannes Willems, Ellen Minkman, William Veerbeek, Richard Ashley & Arwin van Buuren (2022) - POLICY TRANSFER IN URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT: Evidence from ten BEGIN cities - doi: 10.4324/9781003057574-22 - [link]
- Lizet Kuitert & Arwin van Buuren (2022) - Value integration for delivering blue and green infrastructure: Balancing technical, spatial, social and sustainability values: Policy Brief from the Interreg North Sea Region BEGIN project - [link]
- Lizet Kuitert, Arwin van Buuren, Geert Teisman & Hans Bil (2022) - Van verkennen naar verankeren: een probleemverkenning van de borging van de Omgevingswet - [link]
- Jorrit Smit, Hedi Westerduin & Arwin van Buuren (2021) - Bevlogen grenzenwerk, begrensde nabijheid: Een evaluatief onderzoek naar de kennisinfrastructuur tussen Gemeente Rotterdam en de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
- Geert Brinkman, Alette Opperhuizen, Arwin van Buuren & William Voorberg (2021) - Wanneer individuele inspanningen niet optellen tot gezamenlijk resultaat: De worsteling rond circulaire economie in het Groene Hart
- Vivian Visser, Jitske van Popering - Verkerk & Arwin van Buuren (2021) - The social production of invited spaces: Toward an understanding of the invitational character of spaces for citizens’ initiatives - Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 32, 869-880 - doi: 10.1007/s11266-020-00310-w - [link]
- Astrid Molenveld, William Voorberg, Arwin Van Buuren & Liselotte Hagen (2021) - A qualitative comparative analysis of collaborative governance structures as applied in urban gardens - Public Management Review, 23 (11), 1683-1704 - doi: 10.1080/14719037.2021.1879912 - [link]
- Saskia van Broekhoven & Arwin van Buuren (2020) - Climate adaptation on the crossroads of multiple boundaries. Managing boundaries in a complex programme context - European Planning Studies, 28 (12), 2368-2389 - doi: 10.1080/09654313.2020.1722066 - [link]
- Steven Blok, Arwin van Buuren & Menno Fenger (2020) - Exclusivity of citizens’ initiatives: Fuel for collective action? - Journal of Civil Society, 16 (3), 243-259 - doi: 10.1080/17448689.2020.1794168 - [link]
- E (Ellen) Minkman, V (Vivian) Visser, J (Jitske) van Popering - Verkerk & MW (Arwin) van Buuren (2020) - Energietransitie in Rotterdam (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Professional - Vivian Visser, Jitske Verkerk & Arwin Buuren (2019) - Dag van de Participatie (Participant)
Activiteit: Attending an event › Professional - Arwin Buuren (2015) - International Journal of Water Resources Development (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Arwin Buuren (2014) - Niet bij preventie alleen. Dilemma's voor dijkenbouwers (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Professional - Arwin Buuren (2014) - De kunst van het combineren. De governance van slimme combinaties (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Professional - Diana Giebels, JAA Swart, Arwin Buuren & Jurian Edelenbos (2014) - Towards ecosystem-based management in the Wadden Sea? Exploring and evaluating national constraints to evidence-based decision-making in the case of seal management (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Arwin Buuren (2014) - Natuurambitie Grote Wateren (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Professional - Diana Giebels, Arwin Buuren & Jurian Edelenbos (2013) - Knowledge as a means to solve the 'wicked issue' of sustainable river restoration? Insights from the Danish Houting project (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Arwin Buuren (2012) - International Journal of Water Governance (print) (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Arwin Buuren (2012) - Water Governance (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Professional
- Arwin van Buuren, Jitske van Popering - Verkerk & Vivian Visser (2019) - Erasmus Graduate School Award for PhD Excellence: Best conference paper
Gemeente Capelle aan den IJssel
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Publiek Denken
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Scholengroep Driestar Wartburg
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- januari 2024
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- december 2026
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Gemeente Capelle aan den IJssel
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- april 2025
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- maart 2026
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4.2C Creativiteit in de Publieke Sector
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWBM-0001
4.3 Internship Master Public Policy
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWBM-2250
4.3 Internship Master GMCS
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWBM-3100
Collaboration Ateliers: B&P, GMCS, MHRV
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWBM-9000
4.3 Thesis Master Public Policy
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWBM-2070