Dr. Annemarie Hiemstra is an Associate Professor in Methods & Skills at the Department of Psychology, Education, and Child Sciences at Erasmus University Rotterdam. With extensive experience in both research and practice, her expertise spans personnel selection, assessment, and training. Her work focuses on issues of ethnic diversity, including the development of valid and fair procedures for admission to higher education and personnel selection, as well as the assessment and enhancement of cultural sensitivity in the workplace. In 2024, Annemarie was elected President of the Alliance for Organizational Psychology (AOP) and she has previously served as President of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP).
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Associate professor | Methods & Skills
More information
- Pieter van Lamoen, Annemarie Hiemstra, Marieke Meeuwisse, Lidia Arends & Sabine Severiens (2024) - Ethnic-based score differences and differential prediction of various cognitive and noncognitive admissions instruments in higher education - International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 33 (1) - doi: 10.1111/ijsa.12501
- Markus Langer, Andrew Demetriou, Alexandros Arvanitidis, Stephane Vanderveken & Annemarie M. F. Hiemstra (2024) - A quasi‐experimental investigation of differences between face‐to‐face and videoconference interviews in an actual selection process - Applied Psychology, 74 (1) - doi: 10.1111/apps.12558
- Janice Odijk, Annemarie Hiemstra & Marise Born (2024) - Kansengelijkheid in Selectie en Assessment: Een labstudie naar de effectiviteit van structurering om kansengelijkheid voor etnisch-cultureel diverse sollicitanten te bevorderen. - [link]
- Pieter van Lamoen, Marieke Meeuwisse, Annemarie Hiemstra, Lidia Arends & Sabine Severiens (2024) - Supporting students’ transition to higher education: The effects of a pre-academic programme on sense of belonging, academic self-efficacy, and academic achievement - European Journal of Higher Education - doi: 10.1080/21568235.2024.2331122
- Annemarie Hiemstra & DC (Diana) Rus (2022) - The present and future of EAWOP - EWOP In Practice, 16 (1), 4 - [link]
- J Rijsdijk, Marise Born, BPN Koch & Annemarie Hiemstra (2021) - De validering van een virtual reality situationele beoordelingstest (VR-SJT) voor leidinggeven - Gedrag en Organisatie, 34 (1), 107-139 - doi: 10.5117/go2021.1.006.rijs - [link]
- D Iliescu, S Greiff, R Proyer, M Ziegler, M Allen, L Claes, M Fokkema, P Hasking, Annemarie Hiemstra, M Maes, M Mund, C Nye, R Scherer, E Wetzel & P Zeinoun (2021) - Supporting academic freedom and living societal responsibility: The role of authors, reviewers, and editors in the publication process at EJPA - European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 37 (2), 81-85 - doi: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000652 - [link]
- Annemarie M.F. Hiemstra, Tatjana Cassel, Marise Ph Born & Cynthia C.S. Liem (2020) - De (on)mogelijkheden van machine learning voor het verminderen van bias en discriminatie bij personeelsbeslissingen - Gedrag en Organisatie, 33 (4), 279-299 - doi: 10.5117/2020.033.004.002 - [link]
- CJ Koenig, AM Demetriou, P Glock, D Iliescu, Annemarie Hiemstra, C Ionescu, M Langer, CCS Liem, A Linnenburger, R Siegel & I Vartholomaios (2020) - Some Advice for Psychologists Who Want to Work with Computer Scientists on Big Data - Personnel Assessment and Decisions, 6 (1), 17-23 - doi: 10.25035/pad.2020.01.002 - [link]
- Annemarie Hiemstra, JK (Janneke) Oostrom, Eva Derous, Alec Serlie & Marise Born (2019) - Applicant Perceptions of Initial Job Candidate Screening with Asynchronous Job Interviews: Does Personality Matter? - Journal of Personnel Psychology, 18, 138-147 - doi: 10.1027/1866-5888/a000230 - [link]
- Tatjana Cassel & Annemarie Hiemstra (2019) - Big Data in Psychological Assessment: Judgmental Bias, Fairness and Discrimination - [link]
- A Demetriou, M Langer, Annemarie Hiemstra & Tatjana Cassel (2019) - Introduction to Text Based Analysis for Social Scientists: Foundations for Collaboration with Data Scientists - [link]
- Marise Ph. Born, Annemarie M.F. Hiemstra & Janneke K. Oostrom (2018) - Applicants’ role as (pro-)active agents in the recruitment and selection process: A frequently overlooked perspective - Journal of Personnel Psychology, 17 (3), 103-106 - doi: 10.1027/1866-5888/a000215 - [link]
- Annemarie Hiemstra & I Nevels (2018) - Algoritmes leiden niet automatisch tot eerlijkere selectie - Sociale vraagstukken, 1-4 - [link]
- Eva Derous, A Buijsrogge & Annemarie Hiemstra (2018) - Een beeld zegt meer dan 1000 woorden? Een experimentele studie naar effecten van visuele stigma's op video-CV beoordelingen - Gedrag en Organisatie, 31 (3), 189-216 - doi: 10.5117/2018.031.003.002 - [link]
- CCS Liem, M Langer, A Demetriou, Annemarie Hiemstra, A Sukma Wicaksana, Marise Born & CJ Koenig (2018) - Psychology meets machine learning: Interdiscplinary perspectives on algorithmic job candidate screening - doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-98131-4_9 - [link]
- Annemarie Hiemstra, Eva Derous & Marise Born (2017) - Psychological predictors of cultural diversity support at work - Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 23 (3), 312-322 - doi: 10.1037/cdp0000141 - [link]
- Marlies Marissen, ME (Marije) Brouwer, Annemarie Hiemstra, ML (Mathijs) Deen & Ingmar Franken (2016) - A Masked Negative Self-Esteem?: Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem in Patients with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. - Psychiatry Research, 242, 28-33 - doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.04.070
- Marise Born, Annemarie Hiemstra & JK (Janneke) Oostrom (2016) - Call for Papers “Applicant Behavior”: A Special Issue of the Journal of Personnel Psychology - Journal of Personnel Psychology, 15 (2), 94-94 - doi: 10.1027/1866-5888/a000168 - [link]
- Annemarie Hiemstra (2021) - European Journal of Psychological Assessment (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Annemarie Hiemstra (2020) - International Journal of Selection and Assessment (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Annemarie Hiemstra (2018) - Journal of Personnel Psychology (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Marise Born, Annemarie Hiemstra & JK (Janneke) Oostrom (2018) - Journal of Personnel Psychology (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic
- Start date approval
- november 2023
- End date approval
- november 2026
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- Scientific Advisory Board
Maastricht University
- Start date approval
- november 2023
- End date approval
- november 2026
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- Advisory Board International Joint Research Master