(Alberto) JA Estrada Mares, MSc


I am currently a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam, building upon my academic foundation that includes an MA in Public Policy from the University of Guadalajara and a second MA in International Development from the University of Essex. 

My research interests revolve around the intricate connections between human mobility, urban development, and socio-spatial inequalities. I am particularly interested in the way in which migration and Cities' social transformation intertwined. My work aims to critically analyze the role of policy interventions in shaping mobility patterns and socio-economic disparities within and across cities.

My doctoral research investigates the complex interplay between migration regimes, urban development policies, and the phenomenon of gentrification in diverse urban contexts. Titled "Rethinking Migration and Transnational Gentrification through the Problematization of Migration Regimes and Urban Development Models: A Study of Migration and Gentrification Dynamics in Mexico City and Oaxaca," my thesis seeks to uncover how structural inequalities and policy frameworks influence patterns of mobility, urban transformation, and spatial injustice.


International Institute of Social Studies

External PhD candidate | ISS PhD
Kortenaerkade 12, 's - Gravenhage

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