
  • Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken en Beleid

    Master in Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken en Beleid: In de masterspecialisatie leer je kansen en problemen van grote steden te analyseren.
  • Health Care Management

    Ambieer je om een kritisch denkende manager te worden in de gezondheidszorgsector? Dan is deze opleiding iets voor jou.
  • Health Economics

    Master in Health Economics: This specialisation is a joint venture between the Erasmus School of Economics and the Institute of Health Policy & Management.
  • Health Economics, Policy & Law

    Gebruik de kennis van economie, bestuurskunde en recht om gezondheidsbeleidskwesties te analyseren en te begrijpen.
  • Health Psychology

    Als je wilt weten hoe je digitale gedragsverandering kunt onderzoeken en hoe je hier sturing aan kunt geven, dan is dit masterprogramma echt iets voor jou!
  • Health Sciences

    Explore the potential of medical research. In upcoming years, important discoveries will be made in the health sciences. Take part in unearthing these…
  • Health Sciences

    The Research Master in Health Sciences offers a wide range of specialisations and guidance from some of the greatest minds in these fields, you will be well on…
  • Infection and Immunity

    Research Master in Infection and Immunity: Get the latest and most in-depth knowledge of the workings of infectious disease and immuno-deficiencies.
  • International and European Union Law

    Master in International and European Union Law: Explore the processes and consequences of increased economic integration. Read more about this study.
  • International Arbitration

    This LL.M. programme provides its graduates with a unique set of international arbitration skills together with solid expertise in international business law.

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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