Our first use case: Crowds and events, with a focus on protests

Illustration use cases

One of our design principles is to focus jointly on a specific case. We introduced this, as we see it as a way to “ground” our super complex consortium with all the different stakeholders and transdisciplinary perspectives and to make learning from each other possible. Together with our partners from the Impact Coalition Safety and Security we defined as first use case “crowds and events”. The current climate protests provide a relevant example, as they on the one hand express a legitimate and crucial public right but can on the other hand also pose a public safety challenge.

In our first use case, we are looking into the current and potentially future role AI plays in the context of protests. Which role does social media have Which AI solutions exist already in crowd control? Are they applied also to protests? Do, and if yes, how, do protesters and security officials (i.e. police and municipality) use AI? How are AI tools for crowds and events developed? How are decisions taken for the deployment of AI in crowds and events? What can we learn from the current use of technology for the potential use of AI? Who are the “watchers”? Who is “being watched”? How do these roles interlink and switch, and how do they influence surveillance experiences?  

Within our first use case we want to understand the values and concerns of all involved parties. Based on this we like to explore how these values and concerns can be respected, supported and facilitated by AI. We also like to understand where the limits of AI lay, where AI might instead of mitigating, actually contribute to societal unrest.

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