Other settling in topics

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In addition to the topics already mentioned, there are other important practical matters to be considered in order to settle in properly in the Netherlands.

To inform you about these in advance, we explain the most important ones below:

Wage tax

If you get an employment contract with the EUR and generate income, you are obliged to pay wage tax in the Netherlands. Wage tax is deducted from your salary each month and remitted to the tax authorities. Once a year, you have to declare your entire income to the Dutch tax authorities to see if you have paid enough tax or if you will get overpaid taxes back. To help you do this, every year the EUR organizes a tax workshop for internationals in English, just before you have to file your tax return. If you need one-on-one help with filing your tax return, the EUR can refer you to an external tax advisor.

Opening a bank account

As the EUR cannot pay out salaries on all foreign bank accounts, we recommend opening a Dutch bank account after your arrival in the Netherlands. To open a Dutch bank account, you need a BSN. In the Netherlands, there is a choice between a number of banks, of which ING, ABN AMRO and Rabobank are the largest and best known. Some of the smaller banks that are also popular among internationals include Bunq and N26.

In the Netherlands it is customary to pay with a debit card and paying with cash is not always possible. Furthermore, most of the transactions are completed using apps and contactless pay.


DigiD stands for ‘Digital Identity’. It is a personal digital identity which allows the user to obtain digital services from governmental bodies, as well as education, healthcare, and pension funds. You can obtain your DigiD once you have obtained your BSN. When accessing (governmental) websites where you have to share personal information, you are typically required to confirm your identity using the two-step verification of the DigiD mobile application. An example of when you must use DigiD is when you want to view the digital messages you receive from the Dutch Tax Office (“Belastingdienst”). Once you have joined the EUR, you will receive more information on how to apply for your DigiD.


If you have any questions about the matters above, please contact HR International.

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